"And though she be but little, she is fierce.“ Shakespeare Liechtenstein “Though he be but little, he is fierce”- Shakespeare "And though she be but little, she is fierce.“ Shakespeare
Interesting… Population: 34,600 GDP: 3.37 million (US dollars) Prince is world’s 5th wealthiest head of state Bordered by Switzerland and Austria One of 6 smallest nations Vaduz bid for Winter Olympics ICC declined request to revert land back to Liechtenstein Land taken by Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1945, working to confiscate what they thought was German property Region included Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia; family castles and homes were included in seizure of land. Includes 600 square miles of farmland; request denied by ICC
History, Government and Misc. Constitutional monarchy (Principality) Parliamentary representative democratic monarchy Independence in 1806 Closely tied to Switzerland Military Sports Monetary System
Liechtenstein and the UN Became members in 1990 led by Ambassador Christian Wenaweser Member of UN organs: UN Conf. on Trade and Develop. Universal Postal Union World Intellect. Property Org. Prior to membership International Court of Justice UN High Commissioner for Refugees Led by Wenaweser since October 2002 160th member Membership of other UN agencies since the early 1950s.
Liechtenstein and UN Ambassador Wenawesers Vice-chairman of Open-Ended Work Group Enlargement of membership Participates in Intergov’t Work on Human Rights Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Security Humanitarian Liaison Working Group A founding donor of CERF Ambassador chairman until December 2005 Work group looked at enlargement of membership, improving it’s operational and working methods. Security engaged in general security policy advising/decision making small country, does not have a military, but because it is small, needs that much more security Humanitarian Liaison Working Group oversees the work of the OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Particular attention to Consolidated Appeal Process through which the OCHA coordinates fundraising opportunities for poorer regions. Founding donor of Central Emergency Response Fund provides quick and efficient humanitarian aide to areas threatened by a humanitarian crisis. Provides additional funding to individual relief agencies like Int’l Committee of the Red Cross, UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency), UNICEF 2005-UNHCR received $171,203 from Liechtenstein 2004- 240,927 from Liechtenstein