Systems of Governments
What Do You Know? Name the city, county, state, and country you live in. Beside the name of each place, what is the leader of each kind of government is called? Why are there different levels in our government?
Why Do We Have Governments? They are organized ways for creating laws/rules designed to protect the well-being of the general public and to help manage conflict. They determine the power structure (who has the power) within a country. In some countries, only one person or party maintains centralized control of the government, while in other countries power is shared between individuals and factions.
Why Do We Have Governments? All countries require governments to function. Governments provide laws, structure, public services, and national defense. There are different types of governments: democracies Theocracies oligarchies monarchies dictatorships
To study governments, geographers look at the following: Types – Who rules and who participates. Systems – How the power is distributed.
Democracy In a democracy, the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country. It is distinct from governments controlled by a particular social class or group (aristocracy; oligarchy) or by a single person (despotism; dictatorship; monarchy). A democracy is determined either directly or through elected representatives.
Theocracy Government where God or a deity has supreme rule.
Oligarchy A government in which a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power.
Monarchy A monarchy has a king, queen, emperor or empress. The ruling position can be passed on to the ruler’s heirs. In some traditional monarchies, the monarch has absolute power. But a constitutional monarchy, like the UK, also has a democratic government that limits the monarch's control.
Dictatorship A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control.
Systems of Government are based on one question: How is the power distributed? There are three ways governments distribute power: Unitary Confederation Federal
Image from Center of Civic Education. 2008 How Is Power Shared? Federal Confederation Unitary Image from Center of Civic Education. 2008
Unitary One central government controls everything. Power is not shared between states, counties, or provinces. Examples : United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and former Soviet Union
Unitary Diagram:
Unitary Governments of the World (All countries in blue)
Confederation Two Options: Examples: Confederate States of America A. A voluntary or weak association of independent states that agrees to follow a powerful central government. B. Nations can choose to follow or not follow the lead of the weak central government. Examples: Confederate States of America ( 1861-1865), European Union, Switzerland
Confederation Diagram:
Federal Power is shared by a powerful central government. States or provinces are given considerable self rule, usually through their own legislatures. Examples: United States of America, Federal Republic of Germany
List of Powers Shared in a Federal Government Should the national government, state government, or both have these powers? List of Powers Shared in a Federal Government Issue driver’s licenses Make laws for the environment Collect taxes Conduct elections Create marriage laws Punish law breakers Declare war Create standards for schools Make agreements with other countries Defend the country Coin money Protect citizen rights
Federal System Diagram:
Federal Governments of the World (All countries in green)
Let’s Talk About IT! Let’s get in groups of three. Number yourselves one, two, and three. Ones explain to the twos and threes how a unitary government system distributes power. Twos explain to the ones and threes how a confederation government system distributes power. Threes explain to the ones and twos how a federal government system distributes power.
Written Summary: How is the power distributed politically? Image from Center of Civic Education. 2008