Do-First 5 Silent Read the section titled “An Introduction to Governments” and answer the four questions within that section. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
LIMITED GOVERNMENT: USA/ United Kingdom Has a constitution that limits the powers of the government. The people (aka the governed) have a say in making the rules and laws. People usually do not fear the government and the people usually have some trust in the government system. PRO The People have a say in their government! CON Limits what governments can and cannot do.
UNLIMITED GOVERNMENT: IRAN/North Korea Creates laws and rules WITHOUT input from the people (aka the governed). All citizens don’t necessarily have a say. In many cases, people with unlimited governments don’t have a lot trust in the government. In an unlimited government, fear of the government is very common. Pro Government can make decisions quickly and easily without citizen input Con PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE A SAY IN ANY OF THE RULES THAT GOVERN THEM!!!
Objective SWBAT categorize types of gov’t into “limited” and “unlimited” by using governmental descriptions and reading examples.
Practice Categorizing
Limited for Unlimited On your Own
Governmental Descriptions DIRECTIONS: Read the following descriptions of government systems, decide if it’s limited or unlimited, and explain WHY! 6 minutes with a partner.
1 This form of government is elected by the people and everyone is eligible to vote.
1 Democracy Home
2 A government ruled by a king, queen, emperor or empress and had a consitution.
Constitutional Monarchy 2 Constitutional Monarchy Home
9 Led by representatives selected by the votes of a nation for a set period of time.
9 Republic Home
3 A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control.
3 Dictatorship Home
4 Nazi Germany was an example of this type of government…
4 Totalitarian Home
5 The government owns property such as businesses and farms and provides its people's healthcare, education and welfare.
5 Communism Home
6 Rulers Claim to Rule on behalf of religious ideals.
6 Theocracy Home
7 A government in which an elite few people have power.
7 Oligarchy Home
Everyone who is eligible to vote has a say in who rules. 8 Everyone who is eligible to vote has a say in who rules.
8 Democracy Home
Government Quiz Due Sunday! End Thursday Government Quiz Due Sunday!
Refresher Video Get out a sheet of notebook paper: write these questions: What type of government does Great Brittan have? Define Absolute Monarchy: Define Constitutional Monarchy: Define Democracy: Where did democracy start? What type of government does the United States have? Define Socialism: Define Communism: What countries still have communism? Are they allowing any private ownership in their country? Define Oligarchy: Define Autocracy:
Governmental Practice
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Role Play Each group will be assigned a form of government, you will have 4 minutes to come up with a skit to represent your government and 1 minute to present. The best skit gets goodies!!!!
Homework Governments quiz – due Sunday @ 11:59 PM VOCAB QUIZ MONDAY