Higher Graphic Communication Desk Top Publishing Ms Taylor
L.I. Success Criteria Social Skill I will learn about Vector and Raster graphics I will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of graphics I will learn about the common file formats used for each Success Criteria I will UNDERSTAND the difference between the two types of graphics I will REMEMBER the different file formats used for each graphic type Social Skill I will listen carefully to my partner/classmates
Raster (bitmap) images are made of pixels Raster (bitmap) images are made of pixels. A pixel is a single point or the smallest single element in a display device. Vector images are mathematical calculations from one point to another that form geometrical shapes.
When you take a photograph using a digital camera or scan an image from a magazine, you are creating a raster (bitmap) graphic. Vector graphics are scalable - ie when you resize them, they do not lose quality.
jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group Common file formats: Raster/Bitmap Vector .bmp (BitMaP) jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group Gif (Graphics Interchange Format) Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) .png (Portable Network Graphics) .cgm .svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) .odg .eps (Encapsulated PostScript) .dxf (drawing exchange format)
Raster/bitmap graphics Advantages Raster/bitmap graphics An image which is made up of tiny squares of colour. The arrangement of these tiny coloured squares produce the effect of an image. This is a good method of reproducing 'continuous tone' images, such as photographs.
Raster/bitmap graphics Disadvantages Raster/bitmap graphics cannot be scaled up without losing quality. Why? Is bound by the number of pixels in the image. Depending on the complexity of the image, conversion to vector may be time consuming. Large dimensions & detailed images equal large file size. Some service providers like engravers, stencil-cut signs, etc, must have vector art. It is more difficult to print raster images using a limited amount of spot colours.
Vector graphics Advantages can be scaled up without losing quality. Why? Made of mathematical calculations that form objects and lines. a small file size They are ideal for logo designs, as they can be printed very small on business cards or printed large on a billboard poster. business cards
Vector graphics Disadvantages It is not the best format for photographs or photo-like elements with blends of colour.
.cgm .svg .odg .eps .dxf .bmp jpeg Gif Tiff .png Common file formats: Your Task: Research the above file formats…1. What do the abbreviations stand for 2. What graphic type do they belong in i.e. Raster OR Vector? 3. Explain what you would use them for?
Extension task Your Task: Familiarise yourself with the above Venn Diagram. Create your own Venn Diagram using the advantages and disadvantages of using Raster and Vector graphics.