Snapshot 2 Review
All the History You Need for Snapshot 2 Classical Greece Classical India (Maurya, Gupta) Roman Republic/Empire Governments Han Dynasty in China RELIGIONS: Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism Feudalism and Manorialism Political power in Medieval Europe
All the Skills You Need for Snapshot 2 Reading Maps Applying historical knowledge
A question will come up on the board: Snapshot 2 Review Name:_______________ Get out paper - Make it look like this. A question will come up on the board: Talk with your partner to find the answer. You may use your notes
1. Which two civilizations contributed ideas that led to democratic governments around the world? Athens and Rome
2. Which two Empires collapsed partly due to not being able to control huge amounts of land? Han Dynasty in China and Roman Empire
3. What government type has inherited titles? Monarchies! (Divine Right Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy)
4. ‘Speaker’ questions: Rome and China
5. Which religion desires to end suffering caused by selfish desires? Buddhism
6. Where does Buddhism come from? India
7. What provided protection and land to the lower classes in Medieval Europe? Feudalism
8. What caused Feudalism? Viking attacks
9. What allowed economic activity to support the higher levels of Medieval Feudal society? Manorialism
10. What kind of power does an Authoritarian’ government have? Authoritarian (unlimited) Government: Government with absolute control.
11. What was the single strongest social institution in Medieval Europe? The Catholic Church
15. What religion demands respect for one’s elders? Judaism, Confucianism
16. What is a ‘Dictatorship’? A government with absolute control led by one person
Snapshot Review 2 Teams I will call 2 people up to the board Questions will show up on the screen I HAVE TO BE ABLE TO READ IT! Each team has ONE chance to answer - make it count! Teams - USE YOUR NOTES to help your teammate!
Teams Ready??
A government led by one person with inherited power. Monarchy (Divine Right OR Constitutional )
More than one god is called... Polytheism
Government where people vote... Democracy
Who rules in an Oligarchy? A small group of people
What is Monotheism? Belief in one god
What religion did the Ten Commandments come from? Judaism
What did Paleolithic humans do for food? Hunting and Gathering
What did Neolithic humans do for food? Farming and domesticatin g animals
The king of Babylon wrote out guidelines for behavior The king of Babylon wrote out guidelines for behavior. What was it called? Hammurabi’s Code
Why did early people settle around rivers? Fertile soil for FARMING
A government where the rulers are also the religious leaders.
whoulehistory 2015 All material in this presentation was created ON MY OWN TIME and on MY OWN EQUIPMENT off of school property. Not to be used without permission. All original material Copyright 2015 Houlehistory