Chapter 13 Politics and the Economy in global perspective Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials, Kendall, 10e
Politics, Power, and Authority Politics is the social institution through which power is acquired and exercised by some people and groups.
Government is the formal organization that has the legal and political authority to regulate the relationships among members of a society and between the society and those outside its borders.
The state is the political entity that possesses a legitimate monopoly over the use of force within its territory to achieve its goals.
Power is the ability of persons or groups to achieve their goals despite opposition from others.
Types of Authority Traditional authority is power that is legitimized on the basis of long-standing custom. Charismatic authority is power legitimized on the basis of a leader’s exception personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and accomplishment that inspire loyalty and obedience from followers. Rational-legal authority is power legitimized by law or written rules and regulations.
Concept Quick Review
Political Systems in Global Perspective Monarchy is a political system in which power resides in one person or family and is passed down from generation to generation through lines of inheritance. INSERT FIGURE 13.2
Authoritarianism is a political system controlled by rules who deny popular participation in government.
Totalitarianism is a political system in which the state seeks to regulate all aspects of people’s public and private lives.
Democracy is a political system in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives. Representative democracy is when citizens elect representatives to serve as bridges between themselves and the government.
Polling Question Which political system do you like the best?
Perspectives on Power and Political Systems The pluralist model assumes that people share a consensus and that the government serves important functions that no other institution can fulfill. According to the pluralist model, power in political systems is widely dispersed throughout many competing interest groups.
Figure 13.3 Government from a Functionalist Perspective
Special interest groups Political action committees are organizations of special interest groups that solicit contributions from donors and fund campaigns to help elect candidates based on their stances on specific issues.
Figure 13.4 Influence of Super PACs in the 2012 Presidential Election <insert Figure 13.4>
According to the elite model, power in political systems is concentrated in the hands of a small group of elites, and the masses are relatively powerless.
Figure 13.5 Pluralist and Elite Models <insert Figure 13.5>
The U.S. Political System A political party is an organization whose purpose is to gain and hold legitimate control of government.
Figure 13.6 Major U.S. Political Parties <insert Figure 13.6>
Consider This… Figure 13.7 Jill Stein was the Green Party candidate for president in the most recent U.S. presidential election. How does the Green Party differ from other political parties?
Political socialization is the process by which people learn political attitudes, values, and behavior.
Polling Question If you are eligible to vote, how do you decide who to vote for?
Figure 13.8 Voter Participation in the 2012 Presidential Election by Race and Ethnicity
Figure 13.9 2012 Presidential Election: State by State
Figure 13.10 The “Typical” Federal Civilian Employee
The military-industrial complex (the Iron Triangle) is the mutual interdependence of the military establishment and private military contractors.
Figure 13.11 Example of the Iron Triangle of Power
Economic Systems in Global Perspective The economy is the social institution that ensures the maintenance of society through the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
The primary sector production is the extraction of raw materials and natural resources from the environment. The secondary sector production is the processing of raw materials into finished goods. The tertiary sector production is the provision of services rather than goods.
Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, from which personal profits can be derived through market competition and without government intervention.
Consider This… Figure 13.12 Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer surprised many when she announced that Yahoo employees would no longer be allowed to work from home. What might employees gain from working in the office rather than at home or other locations such as the local Starbucks?
Corporations are organizations that have legal powers, such as the ability to enter into contracts and buy and sell property, separate from their individual owners. Transnational corporations are large corporations that are headquartered in one country but sell and produce goods and services in many countries.
An oligopoly refers to an industry dominated by just a few companies.
A shared monopoly is when four or fewer companies supply 50% or more of a particular market. Conglomerates are combinations of businesses in different commercial areas, all of which are owned by one holding company. Interlocking corporate directorates are members of the board of directors of one corporation who also sit on the board(s) of other corporations.
Figure 13.13 The General Motors Board of Directors
Socialism is an economic system characterized by public ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of collective goals, and centralized decision making.
A mixed economy combines elements of a market economy with elements of a command economy. Democratic socialism is an economic and political system that combines private ownership of some of the means of production, governmental distribution of some essential goods and services, and free elections. A welfare state is a state in which there is extensive government action to provide support and services to the citizens.
Polling Question Which economic system is best for its citizens?
Consider This… Figure 13.14 In Sweden, liquor stores are owned by the government. How are employees affected by employment in a nation with a mixed economy such as Sweden, where elements of capitalism and socialism are both present?
Work in the Contemporary United States Professions are high-status, knowledge-based occupations that have five major characteristics: Abstract, specialized knowledge Autonomy Self-regulation Authority Altruism
Occupations are categories of jobs that involve similar activities at different work sites. The primary labor market consists of high-paying jobs with good benefits that have some degree of security and the possibility of future advancement. The secondary labor market consists of low-paying jobs with few benefits and very little job security or possibility for future advancement. Marginal jobs differ from the employment norms of the society in which they are located.
Consider This… Figure 13.15 Occupational segregation by race and gender is clearly visible in personal service industries, such as restaurant and fast-food chains. Women and people of color are disproportionately represented in marginal jobs such as waitperson or fast-food server – jobs that typically do not meet societal norms for benefits and security.
Contingent work is part-time work, temporary work, or subcontracted work that offers advantages to employers but that can be detrimental to the welfare of workers. Subcontracting is an agreement in which a corporation contracts with other firms to provide specialized components, products, or services to the larger corporation.
The unemployment rate is the percentage of unemployed persons in the labor force actively seeking jobs.
Politics and the Economy in the Future Political parties Global corporate interests Global economy Labor market divisions U.S. employment
Quick Quiz The formal organization that has the legal and political authority to regulate the relationships among members of a society, and between the society and those outside its borders is: government. politics. state. political economy.
Quick Quiz Answer: A. The formal organization that has the legal and political authority to regulate the relationships among members of a society and between the society, and those outside its borders is, government.
Quick Quiz Which country has a constitutional monarchy? Canada Spain Kuwait Italy
Quick Quiz Answer: B. Spain has a constitutional monarchy.
Quick Quiz Which country has an absolute monarchy? Canada Spain Kuwait Italy
Quick Quiz Answer: C. Kuwait has an absolute monarchy.
Quick Quiz A type of political system in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected officials is: authoritarianism. democracy. monarchy. totalitarianism.
Quick Quiz Answer: B. A type of political system in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected officials is democracy.
Quick Quiz _____ is an economic system characterized by public ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of collective goals, and centralized decision making. Capitalism Communism Socialism Totalitarianism
Quick Quiz Answer: C. Socialism is an economic system characterized by public ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of collective goals, and centralized decision making.
Quick Quiz _____ is an economic system characterized by common ownership of all economic resources. Capitalism Socialism Communism Totalitarianism
Quick Quiz Answer: C. Communism is an economic system characterized by common ownership of all economic resources.
Quick Quiz Tangible objects that are either necessary or desired are: services. labor. goods. databases.
Quick Quiz Answer: C. Tangible objects that are either necessary or desired are goods.