Title I Annual Parent Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Title I Annual Parent Meeting Berenda Elementary [DATE] Carsten Christiansen To print: pg18 Need comparison between this year and last year funds print 24 Pg21 Need Parent/teacher/student compact in Eng 20 and Span 4 Copies of the ppt Eng 20 and Span 4

Agenda Welcome and Introductions No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 All About Title I School Accountability Report Card (SARC) Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Parent-School Compact Parental Involvement

What is “No Child Left Behind”? Education act signed into law in 2001 by President George W. Bush This Act, which redefined the federal role in K-12 education, was the most sweeping reform of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), since its enactment in 1965. The law was based on four basic principles: stronger accountability for results, increased flexibility and local control, expanded options for parents, and an emphasis on proven methods. Should this say ‘What WAS “No ….’ NCLB has expired based on statement in slide 5

What is “Every Student Succeeds Act”? Reauthorized version of the ESEA, signed into law in 2015 by President Barack Obama Represents an important step forward to improve the nation’s education system. While No Child Left Behind expected 100 percent proficiency for all students by 2014, ESSA gives states the authorization to identify their own goals to address proficiency on tests, English-language Arts, Math and graduation rates.

What is “Every Student Succeeds Act”? (Continued) The law maintains the annual testing requirement for English Language Arts and Math in grades 3rd-8th and 11th, and grade-span testing in Science. It also maintains subgroup reporting and a 95 percent testing requirement. ESSA is an improvement over the expired NCLB Act, shifting more authority to states and limiting federal mandates while maintaining a shared framework for K-12 accountability.

What is Title I? Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Berenda Elementary is a Title I school.

How Title I Works? The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The California Department of Education sends the money to the District. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Berenda Elementary implements a Title I Schoolwide Program.

Title I Schoolwide Program What is the purpose of the program? Improve the academic performance of low- achieving students and all other students in the school by working to improve the entire educational program. Who is served? All students in the school are served as funds are used to upgrade the entire educational program.

Parent’s Rights Be involved and request regular meetings to expression your opinions and concerns. Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on assessments in reading/language arts, mathematics, science and site assessments. Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher.

School Accountability Report Card The Elementary and Secondary Education Act School Public Accountability Report (SARC) provides parents and the community with the following information: Demographic data; School safety and climate for learning information; Academic data; * Graduation rates; Class sizes; * Teacher and staff information; Curriculum and instruction descriptions; and Postsecondary preparation information. SARC is available at the school office or online at: http://www.axiomadvisors.net/livesarc/presentation/sarcindex.aspx?DistrictID=2065243

Single Plan for Student Achievement Every school site must create a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) in conjunction with their School Site Council (SSC) and School Leadership team. The SPSA covers the following goals: District Goal 1 - English District: Madera Unified will obtain an ELA academic score of [medium-high (green)] performance for all students as measured by the California Dashboard. 3-Year School Specific Goal: Berenda elementary will obtain an ELA academic score of high/blue or high/green based the 2019-20 SBA test. This will require a combined growth of at least 43 points. (The determining factor between high/blue and high/green will be the level of increase in the 2019-20 assessment: 7-20 points will give us a high/green ranking, while 20+ points will give us a high/blue ranking.) Interim goals will require us to grow an average of 15 points a year to meet our 3 year goal. This year in ELA we grew 6.9 points based on internal data.

SPSA - continued District Goal 2 - Math District: Madera Unified will obtain an mathematics academic score of [medium-high (green)] performance for all students as measured by the California Dashboard. 3-Year School Specific Goal: Berenda elementary will obtain a Math academic score of high/blue or high/green based the 2019-20 SBA test. This will require a combined growth of at least 47 points. (The determining factor between high/blue and high/green will be the level of increase in the 2019-20 assessment: 5-15 points will give us a high/green ranking, while 15+ points will give us a high/blue ranking.) Interim goals will require us to grow an average of 16 points a year to meet our 3 year goal. This year we grew 16 points based on internal data.

SPSA - continued District Goal 3 - ELD District: Madera Unified will obtain an English Learner progress score of [medium-high (green)] performance for all EL and recent RFEP students as measured by the California Dashboard. 3-Year School Specific Goal: Berenda Elementary will obtain an ELD academic score of high/blue or high/green based on the 2019-20 ELPAC test. Berenda is currently at a medium/orange level. The medium level is designated for schools that have 67%-75% of their EL population who have shown one year’s growth as measured by the annual CELDT test or recently were reclassified to fluent English proficient (R-FEP). We scored 70.3%. The color orange in the medium range signifies that we declined significantly, by greater than 10%, in the amount of students who showed one year’s growth or were reclassified between the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years. This is a tricky one. We are in the process of changing assessments, from CELDT to ELPAC. Only tested Kinder and new this year with CELDT-last time used. Then, 2/3 of year we will test ELPAC for all annuals…even those that just took the CELDT test.

SPSA - continued District Goal 4 - Safe and Healthy Environment for Learning and Work District: Madera Unified will obtain an Suspension score of [medium-low] performance for all students as measured by the California Dashboard, and will increase the school climate survey favorable index score each year. 3-Year School Specific Goal: Currently, Berenda is at a low status level with a color of green. In this instance, the status level of ‘low’ is a positive and the second best status level. The status level of low is defined as Suspending between 0.5% to 1.0% of our students. Our color ranking of green is based on the fact we reduced our number of suspensions between 0.3% to 1.0% from the previous year. Our three year goal is to be in the status level of low with a color of green, keeping our suspensions in the range of 0.5% to 1.0% of our students Goal 4 - Note: The data used to determine our current status level is based on the change from the 2013-14 school year to the 2014-15 school year and the 2014-15 suspension rate. Current data, from 2016-17 and the year before, will be used to determine our status on this goal for the new reporting cycle and placement on the 5x5 dashboard. The second part of the goal relates to a climate survey that 5th and 6th graders take. We will increase the number of students who rate the school as ‘favorable’ on this survey. (PBIS starting this year.)

SPSA - continued District Goal 5 - Improve Parent Involvement District: Madera Unified will increase the number of parents attending School Site Council (SSC), ELAC, Back to School Night, Parent Portal Login, and Title 1 Parent Meeting at all schools. 3-Year School Specific Goal: Berenda Elementary will increase the number of students who have someone attending Back to School Night and Open House. We will also increase our parent participation at our annual Title 1 Parent Meeting and at our ELAC meetings, as well as the number of parents who actively use the Parent Portal. We are going to increase the number of Parent Ed nights this year. Last year, Kinder did theirs and 5th grade hosted a science night. This year – Family Math, Family Literacy, others…

SPSAs are available at the School office and District office. SPSA - continued District Goal 6 - Increase and Improve Technology District: Madera Unified will maintain an average daily student device usage of 1-hour a day for each school year. Berenda Elementary will maintain an average daily student device usage of 1-hour a day for each school year. SPSAs are available at the School office and District office.

Title I Programs Provide Supplemental Support Additional teachers and paraprofessionals; Additional training for school staff; Extra time for instruction (Before and/or After School Programs); Parental Involvement Activities; and/or A variety of supplemental teaching methods and materials.

Title I funds Berenda Elementary generates $110,826 through Title I to pay for programs and services for our students. Last year….we got…. Give print out showing this and last year differences.

Title I funds Berenda Elementary generates $110,826 through Title I to pay for programs and services for our students. Title I funds pay for the following programs and services: Additional teachers Planning day substitutes Extra time for teachers and office support Books and supplies Printing of materials Of that…. ½ time we pay = $62K and then we hire a ½ time for $32K = $92K Subs for planning days - $9,378 Extra time - $4,750 Supplies - $2K Print shop - $1,500 Give print out showing this and last year differences.

Title I funds Roll over funds - $ 8,711 (8/29/17) Additional funds - $ 21,869 (10/6/17) Additional funds Parent Ed - $ 732 (10/6/17) Total for the year: $ 144,134 Of that….

Who Decides How Funds Are Used? Every school has an School Site Council (SSC) composed of: Parents Principal Teachers Other staff that works at the school Students (at Middle and High School) The SSC determines how to use Title I funds. Determines…with input from others.

Parent-School Compact We understand that children learn from adults who love, care and encourage them. Positive support is essential to their growth and development. We are committed to working together to provide _________________________ the best possible learning experience and increase his or her achievement. List School Responsibilities/Promises List Family Promises/Responsibilities List Student Promises/Responsibilities Give sample of the compact.

Your Involvement is Key to Your Child’s Success! You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers; and Ask to see progress reports on your child and the school.

Get to Know Your School & Communicate with Teachers Attend school events Visit the classroom Volunteer at the school Join parents’ organizations Keep teachers informed Attend special parent training sessions Attend parent-teacher conferences Be prepared for the meetings Consider whether you have met your responsibilities as stated in the Parent-School Compact

Thank you for attending! Questions Thank you for attending!