Presented by: Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards Updates on the Plan of Action (POA) of the Expert Working Group for the ASEAN GAP (EWG ASEAN GAP) and Results of the Streamlining Exercises Presented by: Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards During the 1st ASEAN Workshop on ASEAN GAP Alignment | 15-16 November 2016 Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
Presentation Outline Introduction Outcomes of the 7th EWG ASEAN GAP Updates on the Streamlining Exercises of the ASEAN Structure Conclusion INSTRUCTION: Inserting short title of the presentation in the footer (gray bar): Go to ‘Insert > Header & Footer’ then tick the ‘Footer’ option and type-in the shortest title of the presentation. Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
1. Introduction New Vision and Strategic Plan for ASEAN Cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (2016-202) endorsed 37th AMAF, September 2015 Philippines Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
1. Introduction VISION: A competitive, inclusive, resilient and sustainable Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (FAF) sector integrated with the global economy, based on a single market and production base contributing to food and nutrition security and prosperity in the ASEAN Community Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
1. Introduction 7 Priority Areas of cooperation / Strategic Thrust | Corresponding Action Priorities Enhance quantity and quality of production with sustainable, ‘green’ technologies, resource management systems, and minimise pre- and post-harvest losses and waste; Enhance trade facilitation, economic integration and market access; Ensure food security, food safety, better nutrition and equitable distribution. Increase resilience to climate change, natural disasters and other shocks; Assist resource constrained small producers and SMEs to improve productivity, technology and product quality, to meet global market standards and increase competitiveness. Strengthen ASEAN joint approaches on international and regional issuesaffecting the FAF sector. Promote sustainable forest management. Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
2. Outcomes of the 7th EWG ASEAN GAP Drafted the revised Plan of Action 2016-2020 and endorsed the document to ASWGC for endorsement to SOM-AMAF / AMAF Interventions are focused on ST1 – AP1.2, AP 1.5; ST2 – AP2.2.,AP2.4; ST 5-AP 5.1 Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
2. Outcomes of the 7th EWG ASEAN GAP Other activities considered important to be carried out beyond 2020 to support the implementation and promotion of the ASEAN GAP in the region: Formation of Interim ASEAN GAP Audit Team. Awareness of producers, exporters and retailers on ASEAN GAP Certification system. Accreditation of laboratories in AMSs based on ISO/IEC 17025. Development of an ASEAN agricultural best practices mark (logo). Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
2. Outcomes of the 7th EWG ASEAN GAP The Meeting noted the importance to strengthen testing laboratory of AMSs to be included in the new SPA, however, it was further noted that laboratory is not the purview of the EWG-GAP. The Meeting requested the AMSs who host the ASEAN Reference Labs (ARLs) to check the possibility of organising the training or to check if any training programme under these reference laboratories that other AMS can participate. Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
3. Updates on the Streamlining Exercises of the ASEAN Structure 7th Meeting of the EWG ASEAN GAP recommended: “The Meeting agreed to maintain the two bodies separately and to conduct the annual Meeting of the EWG ASEAN-GAP back-to-back with TF-ASOA or the proposed EWG-OA. “ Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
3. Updates on the Streamlining Exercises of the ASEAN Structure Decision of the SOM-AMAF. Pending the outcomes of streamlining of the SOM-AMAF/AMAF, the Meeting agreed on the following conditions for hosting of the next Meeting. If the establishment of the proposed EWG-OA is agreed by the SOM-AMAF/AMAF, the 1st Meeting of EWG-OA will be held back-to-back with the EWG-GAP in 2017. If the establishment of the proposed EWG-OA is not approved by the SPM-AMAF/AMAF, the 5th and 6th Meetings of the Task Force will be held in Malaysia and Myanmar in 2017 and 2018. The ASEAN Secretariat will inform the outcomes of the streamlining and coordinate with the possible host countries, including the actual dates Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
3. Updates on the Streamlining Exercises of the ASEAN Structure PREP-SOM 38th AMAF, 3-4 October 2016, Singapore The Meeting recalled that streamlining process has been completed for all WGs under SOM-AMAF/AMAF, except for the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Livestock (ASWGL). The Meeting noted that the completion of ASWGL streamlining is related to the ACCAHZ establishment and its relation with the existing ASWGL subsidiary bodies. To expedite the process, the Meeting tasked ASWGL to convene a special meeting back-to-back with the 13th ACCAHZ PrepCom Meeting in November 2016 in Cambodia. Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
3. Updates on the Streamlining Exercises of the ASEAN Structure PREP-SOM 38th AMAF, 3-4 October 2016, Singapore The Special ASWGL Meeting would finalise the streamlining and revise ToRs and RoPs of ASWGL and its subsidiary bodies. Viet Nam, as Chair of ASWGL, will coordinate with ASEC and Cambodia as host of the ACCACHZ PrepCOM to organize the Special ASWGL Meeting. The proposed streamlined structure of the ASWGL should be submitted to SOM-AMAF for ad-referendum approval by end of November 2016. The Meeting agreed that the whole new structure under SOM-AMAF/AMAF would be implemented following the endorsement of the ASWGL structure. Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
4. Conclusion Revised Plan of Action for EWG ASEAN GAP drafted and submitted to ASWGC Streamlined structure would be implemented following the endorsement of the ASWGL structure Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise
Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES STANDARDS BPI Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Website: Telefax Nos.: (+632) 455.2856, 456.6552, 455.0031, 455.2858 Trunkline Nos.: (+632) 928.8751 local 3301-3325 Updates on POA EWG ASEAN GAP | Streamlining Exercise