Title Punctuation Longer Works: novels, magazines, movies… Underline (handwritten) National Geographic OR Italicize (typed) Crash, The Mouse and the Motorcycle NEVER DO BOTH!!
Shorter works: “ ” Use Quotation Marks ex: “Let It Go” Poetry, songs, short stories… Use Quotation Marks ex: “Let It Go” “Humpty Dumpty” “The Time I Broke My Arm”
Capitalize Titles Capitalize all words in a title EXCEPT articles ( a, an, the) and minor connecting words including conjunctions (and, for, but…) or prepositions (on, in) All Quiet on the Western Front Where the Red Fern Grows “It’s All About the Bass” UNLESS the article or conjunction is the FIRST word in the title A Tale of Two Cities The Mouse and the Motorcycle The Lion King “On Top of Old Smokey”