MODAL VERBS MUST,MAY, MIGHT,CAN´T, SHOULD MUST 100% sure about sth is true Present: She must be ill since she hasn´t come to work Past: She must have lost at least 10 kgs. She looks much slimmer now
MODAL VERBS CAN´T IMPOSSIBLE Present: You can´t be serious. You can´t be earning so much money for doing nothing Past: He can´t have got the promotion. He´s a total mess at work
MODAL VERBS MAY/MIGHT/COULD Possibly true Present: He might arrive early. Most of the times he is anyway Past: She may have overheard us. That´s the reason why she is so upset
MODAL VERBS SHOULD ….the speaker expects something to happen Present: He should be here by five. That´s what he told me on the phone Past: He should have gone for the navy blue. It suits him better
ADJECTIVES/ADVERBS Adjectives: bound/sure to, likely/unlikely to. She is bound/sure to succeed. She is so talented Likely/unlikely Two options: John is likely to die in short. The chemo is too aggressive It is likely that John will die in short…..
ADVERBS PROBABLY/DEFINITELY. Position: Before the main verb and after the auxiliary in aff Ex: Lucy is definitely coming to the baby shower Position: Before the neg. Sentences Ex: He probably won´t accept your apologies
ADVERBS/VERB TO BE POSITION: After the verb in aff. Sentences He´s probably gay. Otherwise he would fancy me Position: Before the verb in neg. Sentences He definitely isn´t straight. Otherwise he would like me