Winter Male Organ Care: Sensual Tips for Cold Weather


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Presentation transcript:

Winter Male Organ Care: Sensual Tips for Cold Weather

Brrrrr! The winter is surely on its way, and many parts of the world are preparing for some cold weather ahead. And what does that mean for a guy’s member? Well, it depends on a lot of factors – but most men don’t let a little cold weather keep them from practicing good male organ care and making sure that their favorite body part stays healthy and active, even if the weather outside gets frightful.male organ care Of course, often a partner may not be moved to engage in coupling when it’s cold just to satisfy a dude’s male organ care requirements. If that is the case, here are some ideas for overcoming a mate’s cold- related reluctance.

- Sensual activity is hot. We don’t mean in the hot in the sensual sense (although clearly it’s that, too). But one of the best ways to combat cold is through sharing of body heat. Everyone has seen plenty of movies or read plenty of books that prove getting intimately close is an excellent way to ward away the cold. And seriously, just ask a partner to think back to how heated up they usually get during moments of intimacy. - Go in for pre-heating. It’s true that when a person pulls back the blankets or comforter and literally hits the sheets that the bedding can be quite cold – even if the room itself is warm. If that’s the case, consider using a bedwarmer or a couple of heating pads to take off some of the chill. (Definitely monitor the situation with anything electric, of course.)

- Or go flannel. Many people find flannel sheets are much less inclined to hold a chill than regular cotton sheets. And store the satin ones away till the spring; they tend to keep a chill longer. - Warm up by the fire. As all bros know, a roaring fire is way high on the romance scale. Cuddling and kissing in front of the fire can be a great prelude to a full-scale sensual encounter. And if there’s a comfortable rug and quilt nearby, or a cozy sofa, the coupling can be had right in front of the fire itself, making things both hot and convenient.

- Warm up inside, too. One of the pleasures o the winter is imbibing nice hot drinks. Some hot cocoa can help take the chill off – or for those who prefer more adult drinks, sharing sips from a big snifter of brandy can be quite romantic. - Keep the clothes on (or some). One of the nicest things about coupling is the feeling of skin against skin. But if the weather is too cold, there’s something to be said for keeping clothes on and just exposing the bare necessities. For many, it doesn’t even have to mean keeping all their clothes on; sometimes just keeping socks on helps keep the body heat in. And many women look sensual posing in the buff – except for a ski cap on their heads.

Regular sensual activity really is part of good manhood care, and a guy can’t let a little cold weather stop him. But regardless of the temperature, he also needs to take other steps for optimal care. Key among these is the daily use of a top drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Male organ health is impacted by a lot of things, including the ability of the blood vessels to expand to accommodate a proper flow of blood. A crème with L-arginine can help in this area, as this amino acid helps produce nitric oxide, which in turn helps open up the blood vessels. The crème should also include vitamin B5. Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.male organ health crème