Maxwell and Ansys simulations for the CAPP detector Gardikiotis University of Patras
Then you need the ramp-down rate (dB/dt). Dear Antonio, I think that simulating the real field starting from the coils of the LHC magnet is daunting and not necessary. I would start with a simple scheme, namely the field distribution and uniformity inside the bores and its value. Then you need the ramp-down rate (dB/dt). We could provide you with Autocad drawings of the real cavities, but if I were you I would start a simple rectangular prism placed in the full field region and centered on the magnetic field axis: nothing else. Start with rectangular cavities of 2 mm thickness. From this I would proceed to calculate Edy currents, stresses and displacements of the cavities inside the bore. After you have this under control, than you can start changing material, approach the real geometry, etc., only up to what is necessary and sufficient. But do not make your life more complicated than necessary. All this needs to be done in coordination with the magnet test group though, they will in the end set the tone of what is necessary and sufficient.
Maxwell 3D Magnetostatic Eddy currents Transient + electric simulations.. CATIA Model (2) 500 mm long rectangular cavity. Coldbore +cavity Coils
Maxwell model Materials assignment: Copper Stainless Steel Vacuum
Superconducting coils NbTi and beam screen
Material properties Steel Copper <1.005 1.8382e+7 Siemens/m
Quench dynamics -> transient simulation ++ I(time)= 6901+14543*time-229780*time^2+601785*time^3-619354*time^4+226071*time^5
Field distribution
2nd Model
Eddy currents during a quench Since 𝜕𝐵 𝜕𝑡 is negative during a quench, the structure expands horizontally and contracts vertically
Force density cavity
Force Magnitude in the coldbore Morrone
Beam screen deformation Morrone for HL-LHC
From Maxwell to Ansys static structural
Deformation of the cavity Model (4 coils)
Deformation of the cavity Model (8 coils)
Deformation of the cavity +Temperature Model (8 coils)
Stress intensity no temperature Model (8 coils)
Model has been approved by brary/article/Magnetic-Appeal-Multiphysics-AA-V8-I2.pdf
Thermal Loads Ohmic losses in the cavity 16 W/mK 300
Heat Flux generated