Fungi Kingdom
Characteristics Plant-like Animal-like No movement Root/stem-like parts Animal-like “digest” decaying plants & animal matter through their root-like part (Hyphae) Reproduce asexually by budding and releasing spores.
Characteristics Usually found in moist, shady areas.
Types of Fungi 1) Slime molds Simple organism, but has a life cycle that resembles both a protist (juvenile stage) and a fungi (adult stage)
The sporangia of a species of Arcyria.
Sporangia of Metatrichia vesparium
Ceratiomyxa sp.
Types of Fungi 2) Lichens a fungi and an algae living in symbiosis. Often the first life forms found in a new community!
Types of Fungi 3) Club Fungi Large “Fruiting Bodies” at top examples: Mushrooms Puffballs Bracket (tree) fungi
Types of Fungi 4) Sac Fungi Usually very small and flat. Examples: yeast (single celled) molds mildews truffles
Helpful Fungi Penecillium: Fermentation: the mold that is used to make the antibiotic “Penicillin” Fermentation: Important energy making process that yeasts perform Produces carbon dioxide & alcohol
Fungal Diseases Plant Phytophthora (cause the potato famine in Ireland) Biotrophic (Powdery mildew) necrotrophic (Rice Blast)
Fungal Diseases Animal Red Leg (frogs) Ringworm
Ring Worm
Fungal Diseases Human Ringworm Athlete's foot
Athlete’s Foot
Not from a girlfriend!!