Pronunciation KOR - nus FLOR - i - da
Common Name Flowering dogwood
Family Cornaceae
Life Cycle Deciduous perennial
Growth Habit Small tree 20-40’ Height and Spread depending on area
Arrangement Opposite
Leaf Ovate Length 3” to 6” Width 2” to 4”
Margin Entire or undulate
Veins Pinnate
Composition Simple
Flattened, rounded bud Fall color
Flower Buds set in fall, buds are rounded Flowers in April, green to light yellow 4 bracts; white, pink or red
Flower Story of Christ’s crucifixion 4 bracts=cross, crown of thorns in center, blood red tips
Fruit Fall, edible- bitter Glossy red drupe, 1/4” in diameter
Exposure Part shade is best
Growth Slow
Use Specimen
Description Aristocrat of native flowering trees Excellent foliage color
Description Cultivars: ‘Cloud 9’ ‘Cherokee Chief’ ‘Cherokee Princess’
Cultural Practices Needs acid well drained soil Mulch
Problems Anthracnose Borers Powdery Mildew
Zones 5 to 9
Native of Eastern USA