The Prospects for Global Convergence of Accounting Standards ICAEW (Brussels) April 05 The Prospects for Global Convergence of Accounting Standards Sir David Tweedie IASB Chairman
Key Forces for Convergence Desire for strong, stable and liquid capital markets Unfamiliar standards lead to risk premium Differing accounting standards affect confidence Investor confidence greater if accounting standards subject to due process and are accepted Lowers cost
IFRS Around the World 2004 2005 Total IFRSs permitted 22 -1 21 IFRSs required (for all domestic companies) 39 27 66 IFRS required (for some domestic companies) 5 - 5 66 26 92
FASB/IASB Agreement Remove differences Align Agendas Interpretation
Convergence Short-term Differences IASB – - Business combinations (goodwill/brands, acquisitions, IPR&D) - Asset Disposals and Discontinued Operations (IFRS 5) Provisions (soon) Segments
Convergence FASB - - EPS - Voluntary changes in accounting policy - Exchanges of non-monetary assets - Inventory spoilage and idle capacity
Convergence IASB and FASB - Income taxes - R&D - Interim Reporting - Investment Properties - Borrowing costs - Impairment - Joint ventures - Classification of liabilities
Issues on Agenda Conceptual framework Consolidation Financial Instruments Insurance Revenue Recognition Performance Reporting
Performance Reporting Early days 4 Statements Statement of financial position Statement of comprehensive income (2?) Statement of changes in equity Statement of cash flows
Performance Reporting Comparatives – current year and prior year date to be sufficient Statement of cash flows Concerns raised by direct method tie in with the line items in the income statement? Support of operating/business and financing categories – more work to be done on a disaggregation of line items
Potential New Issues Leases Intangibles Employee Benefits
Pensions £m Deficit 10 Less 10% of liabilities 4 6 Spread over 10 year working life Deficit per accounts - £600,000
Convergence with US Will not produce identical statements Will result in close alignment of accounting Will be clear understanding of significant differences
Research Agenda Extractive industries Joint ventures MD&A Concessions Hyperinflation Investment group
Problems for Convergence “It’s not for me - its for them” Many changes to existing standards Principles v rules
Principles v Rules Objectives Clearly defined scope No exceptions Few bright lines Sufficient implementation guidance
Principles v Rules Role of CFO/Auditor Interpretations Q&A’s Litigation
A New IAS 39? What to change? Mixed attribute system 4 treatments for financial instruments 2(3?) Treatments for hedges