The Power of the Administrator: Bully Prevention Webinar
Meet Lizzie Sider Singer/songwriter Actress Dancer Anti-bullying activist
Meet Lizzie Sider “I would come home crying almost every day. It was hard for me because I didn’t understand why I was the target; I was a normal kid who was always kind to everyone,” explains Sider. “And the thing is, I loved my school. I had a great time growing up there; I developed close relationships with my teachers, took advantage of the sports and arts opportunities that were available, and made some great friends, including my best friend, to this day. And although my principal and teachers tried to talk to my class about respect, kindness, and anti-bullying, it just didn’t click with the students who were bullying me.”
Meet Lizzie Sider One morning, as Lizzie was leaving her house for school, her dad, Don Sider, told her to remember that “nobody has the power to ruin your day.”
Meet Lizzie Sider CMA Fests AASA Conference Upcoming National Conferences Published articles with PTA, NASSP, AFSA Featured in NEA Magazine
Lizzie’s Story Lizzie has visited over 350 schools (150,000 + students) nationwide.
Vivian’s Story The “Bracelet” “Lizzie gave me hope”
Social Emotional Learning Self awareness Self management Social awareness Responsible decision making Relationship skill building
Bully Prevention Video Package
Bully Prevention Video Package Video Link Bully Prevention Booklet of Discussion Questions Intro to Bullying and Your Host, Lizzie Sider Lizzie’s Own Story of Being Teased and Ridiculed and “Nobody Has the Power to Ruin Your Day” How Many of Us Have Been Teased Famous People Who Were Bullied Lizzie’s National Anthem Performance for Boston Red Sox Why People Bully- Because they are Jealous Why People Bully- Because they have Been Bullied Before Why People Bully- Because they have Problems at Home Why People Bully- Because they think it will make them look cool, popular or powerful The Internet and Cyber Bullying The Not So Innocent Bystander Lizzie’s Conclusion, Good Bye, and Credits Certificate of Completion Bracelets Brochures
Bully Prevention Video Package How can administrators get it? What is the process? School sign-up on website Digital Links and PDFs Physical package in the mail
The Power of the Administrator Positive School Culture What is the most important thing a school leader can do to end bullying in their school? How are we honoring assertive communication? How does Lizzie’s program support these ideals? How can administrators access this program?
Lizzie Sider “I’ve had an incredible journey so far, pursuing my passions and creating a career out of it. I hope to, someday, become a woman whose name is remembered for influencing the world in a major way.”
Order Your Free Package To receive Lizzie’s bully prevention package, please visit:
Connect with Lizzie Sider Nobody Has the Power to Ruin Your Day: Facebook: Twitter: @LizzieSider and @NHTPTRYD
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