The Prevention That Avoids Intervention ORTIi Core Instruction The Prevention That Avoids Intervention ORTIi
Culture ORTIi 9 Essential Components Leadership SLD Decision Making Clear Vision of Learning for ALL BIT Meets Regularly Principal Attends RTI Meetings Core Review Interventio n Placement Interventio n Review Decision Rules Initial and Ongoing PD Ongoing Coaching Observe & Actionable Feedback Progress Monitoring Interventions Universal Screening Core Materials and Instruction Culture: High expectations for all student populations, belief that all student populations can learn, belief that the measurement of how well I teach is how well they learn Leadership: Teaming/DBDM: Disaggregate data, Professional Learning & Support:d Core: Sheltered instruction, implicit, opportunities to respond, Leadership Teaming & DBDM Professional Learning Culture of Collaboration to Improve Outcomes Culture Growth Mindset & High Expectations For ALL Students
How’s your herd?
Why do we need a core? A core Reading program provides a system of instruction for students as they move through grade levels.
Instructional strategies Core is for all students The goal of tier 1 instruction is that 75 to 80% of the students are proficient. Instructional strategies Materials Time
Strong core instruction
Weak core instruction
In other words… We cannot solve the herd problem one cow at a time. We need a system to feed them all well.
Struggling readers in core-YES! They need the most instruction. Need to be exposed to grade level material. Just because there is a deficit in one area, does not mean there is a deficit in all areas of reading. If they miss grade level material, they will never catch up. Interventions are limited in scope.
Time- 90 Minutes IES Guides, Reading Next, numerous research: recommend at least 90 minute uninterrupted block Your core program is written for at least 90/110 minutes (450 minutes/week) Oregon K-12 Literacy Recommendation For EL’s core is 90/110 minutes + ELD time
Materials Research Based Include focus on CCSS/Big Five Scope Sequence Pacing Districts design: Standard Reading Protocol Reading Non-negotiables, Staff are trained to utilize,
Instructional Strategies: Skim and Scan Curriculum doesn’t come done! Map on effective teaching strategies and active engagement strategies
Team Time: Action Plan