Southwest Tier 2
Southwest Tier 2 Computing facility used by the ATLAS experiment Funded by the National Science Foundation as a subcontract to the U.S. ATLAS Operations program. A consortium of the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), University of Oklahoma (OU), and Langston University (LU) One of four Tier 2 facilities in United States of America There are forty Tier 2 facilities worldwide
Large Hadron Collider The LHC is a ~17 mile ring crossing between France and Switzerland Accelerates beams of protons to nearly (0.99999) the speed of light Collides the beams at certain locations (ATLAS) for data to be recorded Current Run II provides 13 TeV collisions/events
ATLAS Experiment The size of a seven story building 90+ million data channels 40 million events occur per second 500-600 events per second are recorded 4 megabytes per event 2.5 GB/s stored to tape
ATLAS Computing Model Tiered Model with Tiers 0, 1 ,2 and 3 Tier 0 is central facility CERN Tier 1 is a national facility Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) for the USA Tier 2 is a regional facility USA Tier 2's Northeast Tier 2 ATLAS Great Lakes Tier2 Midwest Tier 2 Southwest Tier 2 Tier 3 is an institutional facility University or group cluster
ATLAS Tier 2 Roles Provides CPU cycles for: User Analysis Monte Carlo simulations of events Reprocessing exercises Provides Storage for: Physics Data From recorded collisions From simulated collisions User Analysis Results
Southwest Tier 2 resources UTA UTA_SWT2 Dedicated to simulations 2360 job slots; 130 TB of storage SWT2_CPB Performs all tier 2 processing jobs 8736 job slots; 5.5 PB of storage OU OU_OCHEP Performs all tier 2 processing jobs 844 job slots OU_OSCER Campus cluster provides additional simulation resources 1800 job slots, 500TB Storage Langston University LUCILLE NSF-MRI funded cluster 960 job slots; 110TB of storage
Tier 2 Contributions Within ATLAS This chart show the cumulative contribution of CPU-seconds delivered by Tier 2's for successful processing jobs for the year (1/1 through 10/31) SWT2 is second largest in ATLAS!
SWT2_CPB Supports all ATLAS activities Current Deployed Resources: 20 Gbps external network connection 439 compute nodes 4368 cores / 8736 job slots At least 2 GB RAM per job slot 32 storage servers 5.5 PB usable storage 1 NFS server 1 admin server 14 grid/service nodes
Grid Services Compute Element GLOBUS based access to local batch system for submitting work Storage Element Storage Resource Manager (SRM) access to storage using GridFTP servers (2) Root Door Alternative access to storage Squid caching services CVMFS (distributed file system for experiment code base) Calibration data Monitoring services NAGIOS Custom scripts
Compute Dell R630 CPU: 2 x Xeon E5-2640 v4 2.4 GHz Broadwell 10 cores, 20 threads / CPU RAM: 128 GB , 2.133 GHz, DDR4 Storage: 2 x 800 GB SSD (RAID-0) Network: 2 x 10 Gbps (SFP+) 2 x 1 Gbps (Ethernet)
Storage MD 3460 Shelf 60 x 8 GB SATA disk (4 x RAID 6 Disk Groups => 4 x 104 TB exported SAS drives) 4 x 12 Gbps SAS connections Dell R730 CPU: 2 x Xeon E5-2680 v4 2.8 GHz Broadwell 14 cores, 28 threads / CPU RAM: 256 GB, 2.133 GHz, DDR4 Network: 4 x 10 Gbps (SFP+), 2 x 1 Gbps (Ethernet)
Networking Core: 2 x Dell S6000 (LAG) 32 x 40 Gbps (QFSP+) TOR: Dell N4032F 24 x 10 Gbps (SFP+) 2 x 40 Gbps (QFSP+) Legacy: Dell N2048 48 x 1 Gbps (Ethernet) 2 x 10 Gbps (SFP+)
Topology (revisited)
Conclusions The Southwest Tier 2 continues to be a valuable resource for the ATLAS experiment We are helping to enable the discovery of new physics at the LHC Our contributions will grow as we add more resources For more information visit