Welcome to Tampere
Analysis of the structural change in population and industry Tampere 12.9.2008 Leena Salminen leena.k.salminen@tampere.fi
Population, 1930–2030 Population 31.12. 2007 207 866 Source: Statistics Finland, City of Tampere
Population growth in Tampere Central Region, 1991–2007 Population growth (no. of persons) * Consolidation of Längelmäki to Orivesi included 2006-2007 Source: Statistics Finland
Age structure of population in Tampere, 1960 and 2007 Source: Statistics Finland
Household-dwelling units by size, 1960–2020 Household-dwelling units in total 107 682 (at year-end 2007), of which 47 % with one occupant only. Average size of a household-dwelling unit 1.8 persons. Source: Statistics Finland, *Prognosis by Housing Department of Tampere
Families by family type, 1985–2007 There were approximately 1.7 children per family. At year-end 2007 53.6% of the families were childless. Source: Statistics Finland
Migration, 1975–2007 Source: Statistics Finland
Net migration in Tampere quarterly, 1996–2008*) 1) Sum of the quarters is not equal with revised sum of total year * prognosis Source: Statistics Finland
Migration by activity in Tampere, 2005 Net migration gain was slightly positive (+36 persons). Two thirds of the employed persons leaving Tampere were aged between 25 to 44 years. Migration gain consisted mainly of students (+1 347 persons) and unemployed persons (+360) Families with children moved away from Tampere, resulting in migration loss of 675 children aged under 15 years Tampere received migration gain of 52 pensioners in 2005 Source: Statistics Finland
Net migration of students, 2005 10 largest cities in Finland persons Source: Statistics Finland
Students in the major cities, 2006 Source: Statistics Finland
Net migration by age in Tampere, 2007 Including both domestic migration and immigration. Source: Statistics Finland
Net migration from Tampere to surrounding municipalities, 1995–2007 Source: Statistics Finland
Net migration by age from Tampere to surrounding municipalities, 2006 ages persons Source: Statistics Finland
Migration by size of income in Tampere, 2005 Average income of arriving citizens : all: 13 650 € employed: 21 827 € Average income of removing citizens : all: 15 661 € employed: 25 302 € Resulting change of net income per year all: -15,4 milj. € employed: -22,4 milj. € Source: Statistics Finland
Migration from Tampere to surrounding municipalities, employed by size of income, 2005 Net migration of employed persons between Tampere and surrounding municipalities is negative, 1 250 persons. Persons with lower income move to Tampere. More persons with annual income min. 12 000 euros tend to move from Tampere than to Tampere. Persons with annual income minimum 22 000 euros moved away from Tampere, resulting migration loss 1 000 persons. Source: Statistics Finland
Challenges Increase of total population Tampere apprx. 1 600 persons per year Tampere Central Area 4 000-5000 persons per year More and more elderly people, over 64-years old 1960 8 300 persons 2007 32 300 persons At year-end 2020 there will be 45 000 persons over 64 years old. People live longer, by the year 2020 the amount of over 84 year old will be 5 500 (2007 3800) Increasing need of social and health care services, home help services, senior housing, transportation in general, public transport There are 50 000 students in Tampere, in migration in the autumn, out migration during springtime Migration of families with small children, mainly till surrounding municipalities is continuing Threat of economic recession, rising loan rates and house prices, - effects to the migration New residential areas Vuores and Nurmi-Sorila
Population by industry, 1960 and 2005 Source: Statistics Finland
Jobs in Tampere, 1985–2005 Job self-suffiency 121% Source. Statistics Finland
Jobs by industry, 1960 and 2005 1960 total 84 648 2005 total 111 269 Source: Statistics Finland
Manufacturing and ICT jobs, 1960–2005 Source: Statistics Finland
Largest employers, 2007 1. City of Tampere 15 902 Employees 1. City of Tampere 15 902 2. Nokia Corporation 3 973 3. Tampere University Hospital 3 925 4. University of Tampere 2 569 5. Tampere University of Technology 2 126 6. ISS Services 1 005 7. Itella Corporation (formerly Finnish Post corp) 986 8. Pirkanmaan Osuuskauppa 930 9. Defence Administration 877 10. Tamfelt Plc 732 11. Kalmar Industries 727 12. Sandvik Mining and Construction 710 13. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tampere 630 14. VR Ltd. (Finnish Railways) 617
Growth of jobs in Tampere Central Region, 2000–2005 Source: Statistics Finland
Job distribution in Tampere Central Region, 2005 Increase: 1995 + 4 136 1996 + 2 631 1997 + 4 902 1998 + 8 582 1999 + 3 144 2000 + 5 631 2001 + 1 957 2002 + 2 431 2003 + 812 + 3 777 + 2 821 There were 148 494 jobs in total in Tampere Central Region at the end of the year 2005. Työpaikkamuutos vuoden 1998 aikana ollut huomattava (sikäli kun v. 1998 ennakkotiedot pitävät paikkaansa) Kasvu yhteensä 8 622 työpaikkaa: Tampere + 6 641 työpaikkaa Ylöjärvi + 521 työpaikkaa Nokia + 469 työpaikkaa Pirkkala + 348 työpaikkaa Lempäälä + 326 työpaikkaa Kangasala 304 työpaikkaa vesilahti 13 työpaikkaa Source: Statistics Finland
Net commuting, 2005 Net commuting = people commuting to Tampere minus Tampere citizens commuting elsewhere (of which Orivesi 495) 3 864 3 629 1 192 -1 627 2 385 3 808 2 608 3 063 555 In 1980 net commuting was 13 500 Source: Statistics Finland
People working in Tampere and percentage of employed Working district of Tampere, 2005 16 municipalities, in which over 10 % of the employed are working in Tampere People working in Tampere and percentage of employed Source: Statistics Finland
Unemployment in Tampere, 1990–2008 (quarter of a year) Unemployment rate in July 11,4 % Unemployment rate in Finland 8,2 % Unemployed total 12 072 persons: 2 887 long-term unemployed (over 1 year) 1 593 young persons (15-24 years old) Source: Statistics Finland
Change of jobs and employed in Tampere, 1990–2005 Source: Statistics Finland
Unemployed and openings, 1991–2007 Tampere, annual average Minirecession during years 2002–2003. The amount of openings stopped increasing and unemployement temporarly rose. 2006 2005 2004 2003 2001 1998 2002 1999 1997 2000 1996 1994 1995 1991 1992 1993 Lähde: TE-keskus
Challenges Tampere and Tampere Central Region is one of the three most rapidly developing regions in Finland. Tampere is the engine of the growth in Tampere Central Region. Jobs concentrate mainly in Tampere, housing in surrounding municipalities causes more and more traffic 1960 around 8 000 commuters to Tampere, 2005 35 000 commuters, 50 000 commuters cross daily the border of Tampere. Commutation has become longer, 1960 max. 20 km , now 40 km and even more Distance measured not by kilometers but minutes. 30 to 40 minutes is acceptable Heavier traffic and increasing need of public transport Number of openings have already risen. Nurses and salespersons especially are wanted More and more foreign workers f.eg. building sites, number of foreigners will rise. A lot of employees will retire in near future. Communal services,(day care, education, social and health care,) will suffer a shortage of manpower.