La independencia de Centroamérica
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1492 Cristóbal Colón arrives on a Caribean island (República Dominicana) for the first time. He calls the island “Hispañola” or “Little Spain” The island is occupied by natives called Tainos. After 2 or 3 years, the natives are enslaved and hundreds of thousands die due to illnesses brought by the Spanish.
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1900 1500 1700 1600 1800 1502 Colón claims Central America for Spain.
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1570-1821 The Spanish control the Guatemalan zone beginning in Chiapas, México and ending in the province of Costa Rica for nearly 300 years. 1900 1500 1700 1600 1800
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1808-1814 France occupies Spain until they defeat Napoleon in the Spanish Independence War in 1814. 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 1808-1814 Spain is weak and in great debt because of the war.
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1900 1700 1600 2000 1800 1821 Mexico declares independence from Spain. They control Central America for 2 years.
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1823 Centroamérica declares its independence from the new nation of México. 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 1823 The independent nations of Guatemala El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica are formed.
Los momentos importantes de Centroamérica Caudillos y corrupción en los gobiernos Corrupt leaders, often charismatic and supported by the common people, who take advantage of their power while their country suffers from poverty and oppression. Were often supported by the US because of the giant fruit companies and the owners who had great financial influence over political leaders. Effects: Countries such as el Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua still battle poverty and high crime rates. The countries of Centroamérica are not completely free. Usnavi
¿Pusiste atención? Where did Colón land in 1492? What happened to the Taínos (natives of Hispañola)? How long did Spain rule over Central America? What circumstances allowed Mexico and Central America able to break away from Spain?