Surface acoustic waves control with external magnetic field in TbCo2/FeCo films Vladimir Onoprienko,1, 2, 3 Ivan Lisenkov,1, 2, 3, Alexey Klimov,1, 2, 4 Sergey Nikitov,1, 2, 3, 5 Philippe Pernod,1, 6 Vladimir Preobrajenski1, 6, 7 1)International Associated Laboratory on Critical and Supercritical phenomena infunctional electronics 2)Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS 3)Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 4)Moscow State Institute of Radio-engineering Electronics and Automation 5)Saratov State University 6)Institut d'Electronique, de Microelectronique et de Nanotechnologie, Ecole Centrale de Lille 7)Wave Research Center, A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS
Nonlinear Magneto-Acoustics of condensed matter Elastic Subsystem Specificity of activity: Innovative Applications: Ultrasonic Systems Micro-actuators & Microsystems Spin Subsystem NL coupling 2nd order Phase Transition SRT Soft Controlable nonlinear Innovative Active Materials Extra-ordinary & Controlable Properties Critical Dynamics
Magnetically controlled acoustic devices Low frequency High frequency
Ultrasonic delay line with magnetostrictive material
MOKE Study of TbCo/FeCo films Polarized Laser Beam Sensor for M Measurements LED + Polarizer Video Camera + Analyser ElectroMagnet Sample
FMR Study of TbCo/FeCo films RF input H M e.a. 0.63 mkm cristal detector sample DAQ Kerr photodetector Half width
Roadmap of theoretical calculations Dynamic magnetic susceptibility Equilibrium state of magnetization SAW phase velocity Effective constitutive parameters
Equilibrium state of magnetization and effective magnetic field Small pertubations:
Dynamic parameters Equations of motion:
Magnetostrictive material Boundary conditions Magnetostrictive material Lithium niobate Ox3 if (ω0, k0 ) satisfy boundary conditions V0 = ω0/k0 is SAW phase velocity of the structure
Phase velocity measurements
Experimental data Delay line parameters Frequency: 230 MHz TbCo/FeCo length: 0.3mkm TbCo/FeCo height: 250 nm TbCo/FeCo parameters FMR width: 75 Oe B = -7 MPa V(H=infinity) = 3226 m/s
Angle dependence
Conclusions Dependence of SAW phase velocity in external magnetic field in TbCo2/FeCo films is experimentally measured Effective dynamic parameters of magnetostrictive matreials were introduced by linearization of motion equations SAW phase velocity was calculated using effective dynamic parameters Magnetostrictive parameters of TbCo2/FeCo obtained experimentally