Germans in France, Netherlands and Belgium German rule in France. German rule in Netherlands. German rule in Belgium. Collaboration with Germans. Resistance movement in France.
German Rule in Czechoslovakia and Poland Division of Czechoslovakia. German rule in Czechoslovakia. Resistance in Czechoslovakia. Death of Reinhard Heydrich. Lidice. German rule in Poland. Hans Frank. Question of Polish Jews.
The Jewish Question Aryan theory and German superiority according it. Jewish question in Germany. The Crystal Night – November 9-10, 1938. Ghettoes and Concentration Camps. Problem with the Polish Jews. Hitler wants to solve problem forever.
The Final Solution The Wannsee Conference – January 20, 1942. Heydrich’s plan. Adoption of Heydrich’s plan and decision to exterminate all Jews, who cannot work; all others had to be exhausted by work and then killed. Why Jews did not oppose German repressions with the whole strength?
The Final Solution in Action Concentration Camps and mass murders of Jews. Auschwitz (Oswiencim). Gas lorries and Chambers. Josef Mengele. Adolf Eichmann. World’s reaction to the news of Nazi barbarities.