Existing tools and programmes to promote international learning and research mobility Programmes of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Warszawa July 6th, 2011 Benedikt Brisch Head of Division Eastern Europe and CIS Kennedyallee 50 – D53175 Bonn - Germany
Outline DAAD: Overall Structure and Goals Scholarhips for Individuals Supporting Mobility in the Framework of University-Cooperation Results
Structure Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst A self-governing organisation of the German institutions of higher education with 232 member institutions and 123 student bodies 3
Offices in Bonn and Berlin Regional Offices Information Centres Overview President Prof. Dr. Margret Wintermantel (starting: 01/2012) Secretary General Dr. Dorothea Rüland Vice-President Prof. Dr. Max Huber Executive Comitee Offices in Bonn and Berlin Board of Trustees General Assembly Selection Committees Regional Offices Information Centres Universities Student Bodies
DAAD - Budget 2011 373 Mio. EUR EU 51 Mio. € = 13,7% Other sources: Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Development 34,9 Mio. € = 9,4% 373 Mio. EUR Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 168 Mio. € = 45,10% Federal Ministry of Education 85,8 Mio. € = 23%
Goals and expenditures (2010) Internationalization of German universities Increasing the international appeal of German universities and promoting the international dimension in German higher education € 75 m Scholarships for foreigners Supporting future foreign elites at German universities and research institutes € 83 m Scholarships for Germans Supporting future German Leaders in their studies and Research abroad (including ERASMUS) € 111 m Promoting German Studies and the German language abroad Promoting the German language and German Studies at foreign universities € 47 m Educational cooperation with developing countries Promoting academic, economic, and democratic development in developing and reform countries € 76 m
DAAD-Lecturers in the Countries of the Eastern Partnership Belarus - www.daad-ic-minsk.by 1 IC Lecturer - Dr. Michael Klees 4 Lecturer for German language 1 Lecturer for technical German language Ukraine - www.daad.org.ua 1 IC Lecturer - Florian Küchler 12 Lecturer 2 Lecturers for technical German language 1 Long term lecturer Moldova 1 Lecturer - Sophia Bellmann Azerbaijan - www.daad.baku.az 1 IC Lecturer - Andrej Götze Georgia – www.daad.org.ge 1 IC Lecturer - Dr. Elisabeth Venohr 2 Lecturers 1 Longterm Lecturer Armenia – www.daad.am 1 IC Lecturer - Tine Laufer 7
Scholarships for Incoming and Outgoing Students and Academics Foreigners Germans For graduated, postdocs: one-year-grant and short-term-grant for research, doctoral scholarships, research stay for academics Individual- Scholarships For students: scholarships for master students, summer schools, language courses at different level, special group travels, Go East-summer school scholarships, Project Grants Regional programmes: Courses taught in German language (DSG), eastern partnerships, programme for the prevention of conflicts, assistance of the democratic process in Ukraine, bachelor plus, double degree programme, Go East – Semester-Scholarships 8
Scholarships for Incoming and Outgoing Students and Academics The best and brightest are supported with individual mobility grants no matter whether they are foreigners or Germans scientists or artists undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, postdocs, Grants available for general scholarship schemes open to all subjects, countries and for all host institutions specific programes, e.g. for certain regions, certain elite institutions, fields with special relevance for international cooperation
Enhancing framework conditions for international students …such as improving legislative conditions relating to visa and general status conditions as well as work permits securing reliable and transparent admission procedures offering foreign student tutoring and guidance providing affordable and suitable student accommodation consciousness-raising initiatives and campaigns in Germany offering more and better opportunities to learn and test the German language abroad (introduction of TestDaF, developing distance learning courses)
Offshore activities of German Universities What is “German” about these off-shore activities? Place/ University Country Place Partner University Study Courses Degree Rostock U Armenia Erevan U Erevan Informatics Master Würzburg U Azerbaijan Baku U Baku Laws LL.M Jena U Georgia Tbilisi Ivane-Javakhishvili-U Tbilisi Business Administration/ Economics curricula from German Universities German accreditation degrees from German partner universities representatives of German partner universities as members of governing boards professors and lecturers from Germany integrated study and research periods in Germany intensive German language training scholarships to Germany for the best graduates cooperation with German industry 11
Bachelor Plus Programme / Double Degree Programme Foreign Country Germany Developing four year-Bachelors with compulsory year abroad course of study with an international profile and special qualifications for professional integration, full recognition of credits gained at the partner university by home university Developing Double or Joint Degree Courses with Foreign Partners course of study with obligatory periods of at least one year at a partner university abroad leading either to a joint or a double degree from each university Funding: structural and mobility costs up to 80.000 € p.a.
Campaign for more mobility Go East started in 2002 about 5,000 scholarships 35 Summer schools with 336 scholars in 27 countries in Eastern Europe in 2010 Internships – Semester Scholarships Summer Schools at Eastern European Universities in 2011: e.g. Belarus - Actual Environmental Problems of the XXIth century Azerbaijan - Energy Security and challenges in South Caucasus and Central Asia Moldova - Migration, minorities, human rights – socio-political challenges in the neighbouring states of the EU: Moldova and Ukraine Ukraine - Ukraine today: social, political and cultural change before and after the orange revolution
Ostpartnerschaften - Eastern Partnerships initiated in 1973 to develop the partnership between the BRD and Soviet Union start with 9 applications in 1974 and A financial volume of 2.2 EURO in 2010 with 411 partnerships and 4,463 sponsored persons Ukraine 28 Partnerships 113 Ger./ 190 Ukr. Belarus 11 Partnerships 36 Ger./ 56 Bela. Azerbaijan 5 partnerships 5 Ger./ 12 Azer. Armenia 6 partnerships 5 Ger./ 18 Arm. Georgia 9 partnerships 13 Ger./ 26 Geor.
Ukraine Georgia Belarus Armenia DSG – Study Programms in German Language initiated in 1993 to promote the German language in Eastern Countries and to support students in special fields with required German terminology Started with 23 courses taught in German language, actually 28, within these academic mobility of 614 persons in 2010 a financial volume of 1.3 TEURO in 2010 Ukraine 4 Partner Programmes 117 Persons Georgia 1 Partner Program 21 Persons Belarus 1 Partner Program 23 Persons Armenia 1 Partner Program Start: in 2011 15
Results: Mobility Trends over the 20 years Foreign students in Germany German students abroad German students in the ERASMUS programme source: www..wissenschaft-weltoffen.de/daten
Mobility trends for the countries of the Eastern Partnership (2009 – 2001) 2010 2008 2009 100 200 300 400 500 Belarus 2008 2009 2010 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Ukraine 2008 2009 2010 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2008 2009 2010 100 200 300 400 500 Moldova Georgia 2008 2009 2010 200 400 800 1000 2008 2009 2010 100 200 300 400 600 Armenia Azerbaijan 17
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