Teacher Resource Idea - Paul 3.5 Microsoft Excel FORMATTING CELLS FORMATTING CELLS Follow up with students on the previous homework assignments. In addition to completing the labs in Section 3.4 before coming to class, students should have watched the four videos for this section (3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, and 3.5.4) and completed the Skills Lab (3.5.6).
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Why format? “ATTENTION” SLIDE: WHY FORMAT? These two spreadsheets contain exactly the same information. Which one is more useful? Why? Teach the class that formatting is applied to the cells themselves, not to the text in the cells. For example, if you apply a font change to an empty cell and then type in it, the new text will show the font change.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Why format? “ATTENTION” SLIDE: WHY FORMAT? These two spreadsheets contain exactly the same information. Which one is more useful? Why? Teach the class that formatting is applied to the cells themselves, not to the text in the cells. For example, if you apply a font change to an empty cell and then type in it, the new text will show the font change.
Section Skill Overview Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Section Skill Overview Apply font style, size, and color changes to cells Apply cell styles Change fill color Merge and center cells Apply number formatting Apply borders Apply text wrapping Adjust decimal spaces Enter and format dates Adjust column widths and row heights Align cell content Clear formatting Rotate cell content Resolve the ### error message SECTION SKILLS OVERVIEW If students have completed the Skills lab (3.5.6), use this slide to prompt them for questions on specific tasks. For students who have not completed the Skills lab, use this slide to introduce the tasks they will be learning in the section.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul KEY TERMS Cell Styles Fill Color Number Formatting Merge and Center Wrap Text Cell Borders AutoFit KEY TERMS Introduce key terms for this section. Ask students if they have questions about particular terms. If students have not watched the videos in this section, you may choose to play a video to introduce features. Videos include: Number Formats (3:14) Cell Formats (4:18) Cell Styles and Colors (2:07) Cell Borders (2:31)
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul KEY DEFINITIONS AutoFit: A feature that automatically adjusts the width and height of a column, row, cell, or header. Cell Borders: Draws an outline around a cell or group of cells. Cell Styles: Predefined formatting options that can be applied to cells or groups of cells. Fill Color: The color of the cell background. By default, there is no fill color. KEY DEFINITIONS Define key terms that students do not understand. Many terms are better explained using a brief demonstration rather than giving an abstract definition.
KEY DEFINITIONS (continued) Teacher Resource Idea - Paul KEY DEFINITIONS (continued) Merge and Center: Combines selected cells into one large cell, then centers the content. Number Formatting: Displays numerical information, such as a date, monetary value, percentage, phone number, etc. Number formatting does not change the value of the cell. Wrap Text: When activated, text will begin a new line when it reaches the end of a cell instead of continuing beyond the cell boundary. KEY DEFINITIONS CONTINUED Provide more definitions for key terms.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul In-class Practice Do Challenge Lab 3.5.7 and aim for the best possible time. The lab can be attempted multiple times, with the task set changing each time. Let me know if you need help on a task. OPTIONAL SLIDE: PRACTICE Use this slide if you want students to spend time during class completing the labs. Possible ways of using the labs include: Complete the Skills lab in class as a group (everyone working together on the same task at the same time). Tasks are presented in the same order for everyone, allowing students to follow along with the teacher. Following the teacher demonstration, students can restart the lab to complete any tasks not passed off. Give students time to work on the Challenge lab during class. Provide enough time for students to improve their times by working through the lab multiple times. If desired, give students a target time to beat, or recognize the fastest times at the end of the practice session. Time permitting, students can work through the Applied lab(s) instead of doing them as homework.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Class Discussion How does making your worksheet better looking increase its utility? How can colors communicate useful information to the user? When would it make sense to merge several cells together? CLASS DISCUSSION Possible answers to the discussion questions include the following: Worksheet Appearance: Worksheets are easier to interpret when the columns and rows are neat and clearly defined. Colors: When similar information is divided into similar colors, it is easier for the user to understand what information is related. Merging Cells: One reason to merge cells is when you want to center a title over a data set comprising several columns.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Class Activity Create a spreadsheet with the following information for each member of your family: Name Age Birthday Phone Number Favorite Hobby Use the formatting options you learned about today to make the spreadsheet look good. CLASS ACTIVITY Time permitting, assign students to participate in this classroom activity. Encourage your students to experiment with fill colors, borders, merging cells, row heights and column widths, etc.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Summary Cell styles use preconfigured options to change the look of your data. Fonts, font styles, and effects work just the same as in other Microsoft Office applications. Number formatting changes how numbers look in the spreadsheet, without affecting their actual values. Borders can be used to draw attention to particular areas of your spreadsheet. OPTIONAL SLIDE: SUMMARY Use this slide to highlight some of the more important points covered during class.
Teacher Resource Idea - Paul Homework Assignments Complete the labs in this section: Challenge Lab 3.5.7 – Format Cells Applied Lab 3.5.9 – Camping Equipment Store Applied Lab 3.5.10 – Format a Directory Prepare for the next class: Video 3.6.1 – AutoFill Options Video 3.6.2 – Excel Formulas Skills Lab 3.6.4 – Enter Simple Formulas HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS