UNICEF Paige Johnson, Madeline Helier, Joseph Veit, Nerea Juraco, and Julie Paw
Who is UNICEF?: UNICEF is the leading humanitarian organization for the last 70 years. Strong advocates for children’s rights. Active in over 190 countries. 85% of work is done in the field.
Mission Statement: “We advocate for measures to give children the best start in life, because proper care at the youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a person’s future.”
What UNICEF Does: Education & early childhood development Sufficient nutrition & access to safe water Gender equality & equality among human rights Affordable & accessible health care
UNICEF is created in December 1946 by the United Nations to provide food, clothing and health care after WWII The Global Movement for Children begins mobilizing every citizen of every nation to change the world with children. UNICEF expands its interests to address the needs of the whole child. 1946 1953 1961 1982 2001 UNICEF begins a successful global campaign against yaws, a disfiguring disease affecting millions of children, and one that can be cured with penicillin. UNICEF launches a drive to save the lives of millions of children each year.
Forms of Communication Website News articles Social Media Forms of Communication
Website https://www.unicefusa.org/donate/help-save-childrens-lives/29549?utm_campaign=2015_eoyce=google&ms=cpc_dig_2015_eoy_2015_google&initialms=cpc_dig_2015_eoy_2015_google&utm_content=brand&utm_medium=cpc&utm_sour
“Be the change you want to see in this world.” News Articles “Be the change you want to see in this world.” -Mahatma Gandhi
UNICEF focus Provided children and families with clean drinking water. Interactive stations provided partygoers the opportunity to experience conditions inside an actual field tent filled with supplies that the organization uses in the 190 countries it serves. Patrons could try to lift a 40-pound water can, which children in the villages have to carry an average of 3.5 miles daily. According to co-chair Tina Trott, "780 million people still lack access to safe drinking water." They believe in a zero campaign with zero starving children, zero children denied an education, zero exploited children and zero children deprived of clean water. We are relentless. We use funds wisely, and we are experienced.
Improving health and nutrition In Myanmar, uniting for children’s health and nutrition; Despite the recent signing of a ceasefire between the Government of Burma and representatives of eight ethnic armed group, an estimated 1.8 million children are not covered by the agreement, particular those living in area where contained conflicts percent children from accessing bases services. In areas like that are hard to reach because of insecurity, poor geographical access and political constraints, UNICEF and the NGO health poverty action are working together to strengthen access to primary health care and nutrition intervention such as infant and young child feeding support.
Social Media
Verbal Communication Social Media
Hypothetical Thought -Unicef official: Imagine living in syria...
Indexing World leaders are gathering in Paris to reach an agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, critical to limiting potentially catastrophic rises in temperature. #climatechange disproportionately affects the poorest and most vulnerable children. The world must act now to save the planet for the future generation. #COP21”
“Children are students, musicians, & athletes- not free labor.” Loaded Language “Children are students, musicians, & athletes- not free labor.”
You-Language Unicef: “If you could, describe this photo in one word.” Unicef USA: Kid power “You can get them food packets by exercising.”
Static Evaluation “Girls are not, and should never be, invisible. Let's elevate their voices.” Photo: Unicef Afghanistan “Children, especially the most disadvantaged, will continue to bear the brunt of the effects caused by climate change.”
Self Reflection Our own existence, past, & actions -UNICEF SIERRA LEONE- “ The ebola outbreak is finally over!” -”A second cargo plane full of USAID-supported medicines and medical supplies (85 tons) arrived at Freetown International airport on Friday-UNICEF will distribute these to districts across the country.”-- Sierra Leone Unicef South Sudan: 4 year old Nyajime was so thin she couldn’t sit up. Responsiveness: Showing Interest in others...
Power Defines dominance, “That’s how it’ll be.”
Person-Centered Communication