Muhammad (PBUH) was the second Prophet sent by God. True or False? Name on scientific theory that explains how the world was created There are two main branches of Islam. Can you name them both? The Prophet’s first wife was called Khadija. True or false? What was the name of the first person to perform the call to prayer? Name two types of clothing that some Muslim women wear as part of their faith Why would Iblis not bow down to Adam (PBUH) Name two texts that Muslims use to guide them in life How many Surahs does the Qur’an contain? Name one characteristic of Allah How is Jesus a part of Islam? What does Islam teach about racism? What is the main rule regarding dress for Muslims? What is the punishment for theft according to Islamic law? What do you call this Islamic law? What does Omnipotent mean? What does Omniscient mean? What is the purpose of life for a Muslim? What will people say when they reach Jannah (paradise) even after a lifetime of suffering? ‘Humans are like an ant on a big, huge rug’ – what did this mean?
Theocracy versus Democracy What do you think both of these words mean? Write down a definition for both
Islamic Republic of Iran
Who is this man? Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
Theocracies Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, and Mauritania are Islamic theocracies. The Vatican City is the only Christian theocracy, although its laws are still limited by the secular laws of Italy