Natural Resources Natural gas Coal Cooper Chromite Talc Barites Sulfur Lead Zink Iron ore Salt Precious and Semiprecious stones Petroleum
People Age structure: 0-14years: 43.6% 15-64: 54% 65 and over: 2.4% Population growth rate: 2.576% Life expectancy at birth: 45 years
GDP GDP: (exchange rate) $13.47billion GDP per capita: $800 GDP- real growth rate: 3.4% GDP- composition by sector: agriculture:31% industry:26% services:43%
Economy Unemployment: 35% Inflation:30.5% Exports: $547 million Imports: $5.3 billion Poor infrastructure
Border Afghanistan border with: Tajikistan China India Uzbekistan Turkmenistan
Statistics, Graphs, Charts and Data Tables….. Capital city: Kabul Population: 33,609,937 GDP: $23,030,000,000(USD) Total area: 647,500(sq km) 250,000 (sq mi) Currency: afghani
AFGHANI Nationality: Afghan (s) Ethnic groups: Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Uzbek 9%, Aimak 4%, Turkmen 3%, Baloch 2%, other 1%. Religions: Sunni Muslims 80%, Shia Muslims 19%, other 1%.
School expectancy Total: 8 years Male: 11 years Female: 4 years
Government Islamic Republic Independence: 19 august (1919) Labor force: 15 million Population bellow poverty: 36%
Industry An expansion of industry will result I larger markets for domestic agricultural materials and I more plentiful and cheaper goods. More productivity agriculture will raise the income of both farmers and nomads increase the market for manufactured goods, and make available larger quantities of raw materials for the processing industries. An expansion of industry and agriculture is depended in turn upon an expanded supply of fuel, power and transportation facilities.
Health Afghanistan’s health system is among the very poorest in the world. Obtaining the most basic of necessities – food, shelter and clothing – is a constant struggle. Such exposure intensifies an already poor health situation, with acute respiratory illnesses, diarrhoeal diseases, and malnutrition killing and weakening the children of Afghanistan. There is a critical shortage of health care workers at every level. Healthcare facilities are in urgent need of restoration. There are inadequate supplies of medicines, vaccines, equipment and fuel. An estimated 6 million people have no access, or insufficient access to health care.
Education Two separate systems of education exist in Afghanistan. The older system is a religious one, taught by the mullahs, who conduct schools in the village mosques. They teach the religious precepts of the Koran, reading, writing, and arithmetic. The other system was introduced in Afghanistan's 1964 constitution and provided for free and compulsory education at all level
Such as schools, hospitals, restaurants. If I was the President of the Afghanistan what I will do to make economy better? Well, I will create the new process where we are going to save money from our packet. Out country poor, so we do not have much things to trade with other countries. This process will create more jobs and we are as a people going to create new buildings. Such as schools, hospitals, restaurants. We will provide a many jobs as possible…….
World Bank
Solar panels give off no pollution, the only pollution produced as a result of solar panels is the manufacturing of these devices in factories, transportation of the goods, and installation.