You can define any number of catalogues in Semanta You can define any number of catalogues in Semanta. We ship a large set as a default. You can see an overview here. Catalogues are group by logical layers.
Relationships are a key to tracibility of changes Relationships are a key to tracibility of changes. Semanta allows you to built a complete picture of dependencies among objects. You can easily define new relationship type.
Business Glossary People Dictionary Address is steward Person 1 is owner Person 2 Policy complies with rule has child has child Data Quality Rules Property & Causality Life <45 characters has child has child Here is your example mapped to Semanta catalogues and entry types. We do not recommend a true hierarchical onthological modelling, but prefer a loosely coupled terms(concepts) linked by different relationship types. Terms defined in the Business Glossary can be linked to People loaded from LDAP or tables/files/columns loaded from database or file systems (including big data platforms) a-Z, 0-9, “-“ “/“ has data source Vehicle Non Vehicle is defined by Plate Data Dictionary Table File has data source Owner Column Column Expiration date metadata connectors Databases File System
Workflow Enables you to capture any process (demand management, change management, publishing management, report certification) It enrich this process of details such state, action, transition, notification, authorizations and scripts It can be linked together with any object type in Semanta (requirements, reports, terms) Objects of one type can use different processes on the hyerarchical levels (requirements for reporst vs requirements for BI Portal) The main communication channel are comments and notifications funkcionality Semanta enables to define any number of Workflow processes Semanta offers script language for advanced definition of complex workflow We have a full support for workflow with a rich support for customisation.
Workflow Metamodel of Semanta workflow
Versioning We keep comple history of all content in Semanta. Complete history of all entries and relationships among them Possibility to view historical version restore historical version compere selected versions We keep comple history of all content in Semanta.
At last, but not least we ship Semanta with our best practices for a practical data governance focus on common everyday tasks with data.