Bell-Work List the 4 crimes against persons discussed before break. Homicide Rape Assault and Battery Kidnapping
Crimes Against Property
Objectives I can define and distinguish among the various crimes against property. I can analyze a factual situation in order to determine what, if any, crimes against property have been committed.
Property “every species of valuable right or interest that is subject to ownership, has an exchangeable value, or adds to one’s wealth or estate.” (Gifis, Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition )
The 11 Crimes to be discussed are… Vandalism Arson Computer Crime Extortion Embezzlement Forgery Larceny Robbery Burglary Receiving stolen property Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
The willful destruction of, or damage to, the property of another. Vandalism The willful destruction of, or damage to, the property of another. KRS 512 Have students list (write on board) types of vandalism. Discuss reasons vandalism may occur and recommend a series of steps that could be taken to reduce it in the school or community.
Arson The willful and malicious burning of another person’s property. An individual may be charged with arson of his own property. See KRS 513.060. A person is guilty of burning personal property to defraud an insurer when, with intent to defraud or injure an insurer, he: (a) Sets fire to, burns, or causes to be burned; or (b) Aids, counsels, or procures the burning of any of the goods, wares, merchandise, or other personal property of himself or another, that is insured at the time against loss or damage by fire.
Extortion & Embezzlement Embezzlement is the unlawful taking of property by someone to whom it was entrusted. Extortion is also known as blackmail, the use of threats to obtain the property of another. KRS 514.080
Forgery A person falsely makes or alters a writing or document with intent to defraud. Uttering-is offering someone as a genuine a document known to be fake. KRS 516
Bell work Using your guided notes from yesterday… What is the difference between forgery and uttering? Bell Work Answer
Larceny The unlawful taking and carrying away of the property of another with intent to steal it. Also includes the keeping of lost property when a reasonable method exists for finding the owner (phones, wallets, wrongfully delivered packages). KRS 514.050. Penalties Grand larceny - >$500 Petty larceny- <$500
Robbery KRS 515 The unlawful taking of property from a person’s immediate possession by force or intimidation. Is linked with larceny by element of force.
Burglary KRS 511 The unauthorized entry into any structure with the intent to commit a crime, regardless of the time of day.
Receiving Stolen Property KRS 514.110 The receiving or buying of property that you know or have reason to believe is stolen
Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle KRS 514.100 The unlawful act of taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent, committed if the person taking only intends to take the vehicle temporarily, Car-jacking – occurs if a person uses force or intimidation to steal a car from a driver.
Computer Crimes Any violation of criminal law that involves the use of computer technology to commit the prohibited act. Breaking into a corporate or government system to which one does not have access is a federal crime (regardless of intent). KRS 434.840 – KRS 434.860 KRS 434 also includes phishing, scanning/re-encoder machines, etc. Name some computer crimes.
In groups of 3 Using the KRS website: Is the crime a felony or misdemeanor, if both what separates the two classes? What is the minimum penalty? What is the maximum penalty? Are there any defenses? And what are they? Will need to print out the subject to be put in a hat.
What are 3 facts you learned today? Exit Slip What are 3 facts you learned today? What are 2 facts you found interesting? What is 1 aspect of today’s lesson that you still have questions over? Explain.
Before you go… Make sure your classwork is turned in. Complete and turn in your exit slip.