Network name: Silverback SUMMIT ‘16 WIFI ACCESS Network name: Silverback Password: Summit16
Mileposts 2+ Years Corey Davidson- Douglas Primary School Instructional Facilitator / Parent Liaison Jason Sargent- St. Ignatius Superintendent Editor notes: “PLC’s” changed to “PLCs” “Changes” edited to “Change”
Mileposts 2+ Years Setting expectations (Culture of Daily Business) Meeting YOUR student’s needs Professional development and training new staff PLC and RTI teams and meetings Taking your school beyond the basics Editor notes: “PLC’s” changed to “PLCs” “Changes” edited to “Change”
Setting Expectations (Culture of Daily Business) Building a Culture of Success If you expect it, you need to teach it Create a need and sense of urgency from data Make in meaningful Administrator must buy in Building Leaders Teacher Leaders Parent Contact (Positive) Share out
Meet Your Student’s Needs Interventions (Customize your list and how do student’s enter and exit) State and District assessments Progress Monitoring (Name your PM, look at # after data, AD-HOC and consistent) Behavior (Build a matrix, Minor vs Major- Use your data) District’s own needs (Examples- Rigby, behavior and continuum) Share out
Professional Development and Training New Staff Give them the time Before school starts give basics Team up with a mentor teacher Pull up Silverback during PLC meetings Before & after school training (PTSB or pay) During lunch Professional days Share out
PLC and RTI teams and meetings Use the data and be accountable Set norms Roles for each member Set goals Celebrate success Meet weekly Share out
Taking Your School Beyond the Basics