x64 (or x86-64) Smooth the transition from x86 (32-bits) to x64 (64-bits). x64 is a generic name for the 64-bit extensions to Intel’s and AMD’s 32-bit x86 instruction set architecture (ISA). AMD introduced the first version of x64, initially called x86-64 and later renamed AMD64. Intel named their implementation IA-32e and then EMT64. There are some slight incompatibilities between the two versions, but most code works fine on both. We call this intersection x64.
General x64 architecture
x64 assembler Use MASM64 (ml64.exe) that is available with Visual C++ Express v10.
Other Intel architectures Intel’s RISC processor discontinued (last brochure from 2002)
Other Intel architectures Itanium (IA-64) originated at HP 128 64-bit general purpose registers 128 82-bit floating-point registers each 128-bit instruction word contains three instructions (VLIW) called RISC-like future is questionable (McMillan, Robert (2012-02-01). "HP Paid Intel $690 Million To Keep Itanium On Life Support," wired.com.)