Expected Standard (EXS) Greater Depth within EXS Key Stage 2 Attainment 2015-2016 Expected Standard (EXS) Writing (TA) S.P.a.G Reading Maths Nationally 74% 72% 66% 70% Norton 71% 65% 88% 76% Difference -3% -7% +22% +6% Greater Depth within EXS Writing S.P.a.G Reading Maths Nationally 15% 23% 19% 17% Norton 18% 35% 29% Difference +3% +12% +10% +1%
Key Stage 2 Progress 2015-2016 Writing (TA) S.P.a.G Reading Maths Scaled Score 100 = average Writing (TA) S.P.a.G Reading Maths Nationally Not Available 104 103 102 Norton 105 107 Difference +1 +4 -1 Progress 0.2 (2.8 to -3.2) Slightly Above Not Available: no KS1 data 4.3 (1.3 to 7.3) Significantly Above -1.0 (-3.5 to 1.5) Slightly below
Key Stage 2 Attainment and Progress 2015-2016 Expected Standard (EXS) Writing (TA) S.P.a.G Reading Maths Nationally 74% 72% 66% 70% Norton 71% 65% 88% 76% Difference -3% -7% +22% +6% Progress 0.2 (2.8 to -3.2) Slightly Above Not Available: no KS1 data 4.3 (1.3 to 7.3) Significantly Above -1.0 (-3.5 to 1.5) Slightly below
Our next steps… English: Maths: School: Spelling- The emphasis on spelling was one of the biggest changes in last years assessment. In response to this Miss Parker has introduced a spelling programme for each year group. Maths: Arithmetic – from analysing the test results and end of year questionnaires, I found that teachers wanted a resource to aid their teaching of arithmetic. In response to this, I have introduced “Arithmekits”, that compliment our existing approach to mathematics, for each year group. School: Resilience – With only 53% of children nationally reaching the “Expected Standard” at the end of primary school, we feel it is important to develop resilience in our children when faced with challenges. This is a life skill that our children need in order to succeed in whatever they choose to do.