Silverhill primary school history autumn term 2016
Year 1 – autumn term The children have been learning about the Great Fire of London as part of the question ‘Who Would Live in a House Like This?’ They found out and compared the differences between house building materials and practices in the 17th Century and modern times.
Oscar and Rayan modelling their Egyptian headdresses! Year 2 – autumn term Oscar and Rayan modelling their Egyptian headdresses!
year 3 – autumn term Year 3 have been learning about Prehistoric Britain, including Stone Age man, his tools, food and shelter.
Year 4 autumn term Grace in Nightingales made The Acropolis out of biscuit and cake! September 2016
Year 4 – autumn term History and English cross- curricular writing: Greek poetry and Myths and Legends.
Year 4 – autumn term
Year 5 – autumn term
Year 6 – autumn term
Year 6 autumn term
Year 6 – autumn term
Year 6 – autumn term
Year 6 – autumn term