8th Science Course syllabus | ………………………………………………………………...……………….…..


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Presentation transcript:

- - - Course syllabus | 2017-2018 - - - 8th Science - - - Course syllabus | 2017-2018 - - - ………………………………………………………………...……………….….. 8th Grade Science Ecology (8/22-9/21) Chemistry (9/22-10/31) Physics (11/2-12/13) Astronomy (1/8-2/15) Geology(2/19-3/28) Weather (4/2-4/20) STAAR CRUNCH and Projects Contact Information Dawn Hedgpeth, MS Ed 281-229-7156 DHedgpeth@dickinsonisd.org REMIND: rmd.at/hedgsci17 Conference Time: 8:23-9:16 Tutorials: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 Phones do not ring during Class times. Please leave message. Please make an appointment If conference is needed. 9/22 Ecology Test 1 12/18-20 CBAs 4/10 STAAR MATH 10/6 Ecology Test 2 1/18 Physics test 4/11 STAAR READING 10/16-20 CBAs 2/2 Astronomy Test 5/16 STAAR SCIENCE 10/31 Chemistry Test 2/23 Cycles Test 5/17 STAAR HISTORY 10/25 PSAT 3/6-8 CBAs 10/16-20 CBAs 3/29 Geology Test 11/15 Chemistry Test 2 4/16-18 PreSTAAR Benchmark 12/13 Physics Formula Test 4/20 Weather Test *Rarely, Test Dates may change. Advanced notification will be given . …………………………….. ………………………………………………………...…………… Grading Policy 55% Formative Daily Grades (classwork, labs, homework) 45% Summative Major Grades (tests, CBAs, projects, some labs) Late work Policy: At the teacher’s discretion, missing/late work may be turned in. Points (up to 10) may be deducted for each day that the work is late. The student should write “LATE” in red at the top of the work with the date it was turned in. The gradebook will indicate “MI” until the teacher has time to grade the late work and enter it. This may take some time as grading late assignments does not have the same priority as grading assignments turned in when due. If the assignment is not completed and turned in with time to grade by the end of the 9 weeks, a zero will be recorded. If you are absent: The student is responsible for collecting all make-up work and turning it in within 1 week of the absence. Check the “We Missed You” file and get notes from another student or make arrangements to attend tutorials. Make-up work will be available in the absent file for one week. If the work is not collected by that time, the student will be able to receive make-up work from the teacher during tutorials. Tests must be made up within one week of returning to school for full credit. Tutorials (attendance requires a teacher pass): Students can attend tutorials on the assigned day each week or make arrangements with the teacher to come in at another time. Grades are available on Skyward via Student/Parent Access. Students are responsible for checking grades weekly and tracking their progress.

Science Class Expectations Science Expectations Science classrooms are laboratory environments which makes them different from other classrooms. We work hard to create a professional, collaborative environment for our science students to experience success in a safe learning environment. ………………………………………………...…………….. Science Class Expectations The GATOR Way: Respectful Responsible Involved What this looks like Show respect for yourself and all others. Come to class prepared to work every day (packet, supplies) The student must be seated and ready to begin the bell ringer BEFORE the tardy bell rings. Bell Ringer assignments must be completed within the first 3-5 minutes of class. Work bell to bell. The teacher, not the bell, dismisses the class. All students work will be kept in their notebook/packet. If at any time the notebook /packet is lost, the student will be required to come to tutorials to complete a new notebook/packet. No food or drink is allowed in the lab unless it is associated with the lab that is being conducted. Do not interrupt valuable instruction to ask to go to the bathroom. Please wait for an appropriate time. Abuse of the privilege to go to the bathroom during class time will be addressed with parents. Students are responsible for their behavior and choices when leaving class for any reason. They are also responsible for any information presented while they are out of the class. Consequences for poor choices: Warning and documentation: verbal/visual Contact with parent via email, phone or conference Detention (teacher discretion) Office referral This is not a complete list nor is it necessarily meant to be followed in order. The teacher reserves the right to assign other consequences as deemed necessary.   Technology We will be utilizing various resources to access the Internet to research, review material, and complete assignments. You must hold yourselves to high expectations when you use these resources. Your time must be spent well. Rules and consequences set forth by the District will be followed. Unless specific instructions are given. you may not have your cell phones out. Cell phone use is limited to academic activity that is written into the lesson plans. You must keep them put away at all times. Cell phones will be taken up and turned in per campus rules. ………………………… Lab Safety Act responsibly at all times in the laboratory. Follow all instructions about the laboratory procedures given by the teacher. Keep area clean in the laboratory. Wear safety goggles and protective clothing as required. Long hair will be tied back or tucked in. Notify the teacher in an emergency. No taking chemicals or equipment out of the laboratory without permission from the teacher. At no time may students sit on the lab counters or tables(safety issue). Keep the room neat and organized. Students are not allowed in the back preparation area without teacher approval and supervision. NO Exceptions! Treat the lab supplies with respect and conserve our resources. ………………………………………………………………………… Inappropriate behavior during a lab activity is potentially dangerous. No warnings will be given. The student will be removed from the lab activity. They will be allowed to watch, but not participate. The student is still responsible for all work related to the lab.

8th Science Acknowledgement Form 8th Science Acknowledgement Form ***This must be signed and returned before student can participate in lab activities*** Student Name_______________________________ class period____________ Please read and initial below (student initials) and sign. Return only this form. Keep the syllabus to use as a reference for information. ______I have read and understand the Course Syllabus. ______I have read and understand the Grading Policy including late work, absences and tutorials _____I have read and understand the Classroom Expectations, Science Lab Safety, Technology Information ______I agree to follow the expectations, rules and policies. ______I understand that cell phone use is restricted to academic use, and I must have permission to have my phone out and on. _________________________________ ________________________________ Student Signature Parent Signature Date_______________________ ********************************************************************************** Please remember to sign up for REMIND using your first and last name. I send REMIND notifications almost daily to communicate with students about assignments and great things happening on campus and in the world of science. Parents, please include your student’s name in any communication on REMIND and emails. To sign up for REMIND- Smart Phone push notifications- open web browser and go to and follow instructions to download the app. Text Notifications- text the message to the number 81010 or (832)735-7898 Email Notifications- go to on your computer to sign up. Throughout the year, we will need various supplies for labs. I usually have sign up sheets that are passed around in the class. Some of these will seem strange (frosting, pancake mix, etc.), but I promise they are for science lab use. Thanks you in advance for your generous donations and support.