Ms. Cowan and Mr. Laniewski Welcome to Zoology Ms. Cowan and Mr. Laniewski
Supplies Every day, bring... at least 1 pen at least 1 pencil notebook paper to write on a folder or binder for this class
Attendance Be here in body and mind. Arrive to class on time. seated and ready to start at the bell Your bookbag, purse, or other belongings are not you. Attendance Incentives – Exempting Exam based on Exam Exemption Policy
Hornet Rules Be Honest Be On Time Be Respectful Be Nice Be Excellent Be Trustworthy Be Safe
Behavior Respect yourself Respect your peers Respect your space Respect your teachers
Respect yourself Respect your Peers Do your best. Respect your Peers Use classroom appropriate language. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. If it's not yours, and you don't have permission of the owner, don't touch it.
Respect your space You can eat and drink, until I find wrappers. Trash goes in the trash can. Turn in work on time & where instructed. Return any books or supplies you use. Push in your chair when you leave.
Respect your teachers Remember, we are here to help you learn and prepare for life after graduation. Respectful behavior will earn you respect and trust.
Electronics No communication (even if it's a parent), games, or videos during class time. You can listen to music during independent work time - ** I will tell you when you can get out phones Listen quietly & Keep one ear open. Phones MUST be on top of desk and flipped over during all tests. This is a privilege. If you want to keep it, follow the rules or it will result in a write up
Bathroom/Water passes Try to go before class. One person can leave the room at a time. Use bathroom pass Write date, time, and destination before asking.
Nurse passes Nurse passes are reserved for serious issues (bleeding, broken bones, vomiting, etc...) and prescribed medication. Don't visit the nurse without a pass.
Turning in work If you’re here, turn it in on time. If you’re absent, the work is due when you return. All work is listed on the check sheet and the website. Any handouts are in the colored drawers for your class period. days missed = days to make up This is your responsibility.
Tutoring/Recovery Recovery is for summative grades. You must recover within 1 week of seeing the grade. You must complete 80% of the work to be eligable to recover. The two tests will be averaged. Days/Times to recover tests Thursday Morning – 7:45-8:15 Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.
Cheating Don’t do it. Don’t copy your neighbor. Don’t copy the book. Don’t copy the internet. If you do... You get a zero for the assignment. If it’s a test or project, you also get written up.
Safety is Your Responsibility LAB SAFETY Safety is Your Responsibility
No eating or drinking in the lab. No chewing gum during labs. Lab Safety No eating or drinking in the lab. No chewing gum during labs.
Lab Safety Knowledge is the best prevention. Read the directions before beginning any lab procedure.
Dissection Safety Rules
1. ) Do not engage in horseplay 1.) Do not engage in horseplay! Common sense should rule here when working with sharp instruments. 2.) Pin the specimen to be dissected securely in the dissecting pan or tray. Never dissect while holding the specimen in your hand(s). 3.) Wear safety goggles and a lab apron in case of chemical spills.
4.) Remove any contact lenses so chemicals can not be trapped in your eyes by them. 5.) Point sharp objects or tools away from yourself and others. 6.) Do not use excess force when working with a sharp instrument such as a scalpel.
7. ) Use dissecting scissors instead of a scalpel whenever possible 7.) Use dissecting scissors instead of a scalpel whenever possible. It tends to cut more efficiently for most work and is less dangerous to use. 8.) Make certain to return your dissection tools to their appropriate container. Care for and dispose of your dissection in accordance with the directions given by your instructor. 9.) Obviously one should not eat or drink in a laboratory where a dissection is occurring.
Consequences Horseplay will result in a zero and a referral to administration. Throwing anything Misuse of materials Unauthorized experiments Each time you are told to put your goggles back on, you will lose five points on your dissection. If your dissection station is not properly cleaned after the lab, you will lose 10 points on your dissection.
Clothing Safety Sandals or open-toed shoes should not be worn when working with chemicals, glassware or sharp objects). This means closed toed shoes during dissections
Emergency Procedures In case of injury (cut, burn, fire etc.) Notify the instructor immediately.
B r o k e n G l a s s This is the most common lab accident. If you break glassware stop and notify the teacher. Do NOT throw broken glass into the trash can. Place it in the broken glass container.
C u t s & S c r a p e s Report immediately . There is always a chance of infection . Do not come into contact with another person’s blood.
Wear gloves when working with preserved animals. Biology Safety Wear gloves when working with preserved animals. Handle all living organisms with care and respect.
Know the Location and Operation of : Telephones Safety showers and eye wash stations First Aid Kit
Safety starts and ends with you. Safety First Safety starts and ends with you.
Ticket out the door Use your notes to write 2 lists dissection equipment dissection safety rules Turn it in on the way out the door.