Presented by: Sadia Ali Learn Unlearn Relearn Presented by: Sadia Ali
Objectives In this session we will cover: Importance of learning Factors hindering our learning process Why unlearning is necessary for relearning? How to unlearn and then relearn?
Peace Prayer Allah Give me the patience (sabr) to accept the things I can’t change Courage to change the things I can Wisdom to understand the difference
Challenges Facing Today Fast paced changes due to technological advances Shortage of skilled and effective teachers Highly competitive world Globalization Energy Crisis
What Matters Most is How You See Yourself
JOHARI WINDOWS The public area contains things that are openly known and talked about - and which may be seen as strengths or weaknesses. This is the self that we choose to share with others The hidden area contains things that others observe that we don't know about. Again, they could be positive or negative behaviours, and will affect the way that others act towards us. The unknown area contains things that nobody knows about us - including ourselves. This may be because we've never exposed those areas of our personality, or because they're buried deep in the subconscious. The private area contains aspects of our self that we know about and keep hidden from others. The application of the Johari Window comes in opening up the public area, so making the other three areas as small as possible. This is done by regular and honest exchange of feedback, and a willingness to disclose personal feelings. People around you will understand what "makes you tick", and what you find easy or difficult to do, and can provide appropriate support. And of course you can then do the same for them.
LEARN, UNLEARN, AND RELEARN.” - Alvin Toffler The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot LEARN, UNLEARN, AND RELEARN.” - Alvin Toffler
LEARN (to change) UNLEARN (shed off negatives) RELEARN continuously
Learn Learning is a continuous process Learning widens your mental horizons changes the perceptions and expands your overall intellectual base.
The Simplest Learning Cycle
Continuous learning keeps you updated with latest developments. It changes your mindset with the changing times. It sheds some of your old inhibitions, hesitations and habits. It helps you in reinventing yourself constantly.
Learning isn't limited to books.
The Big Four Global Trends The Internet Global Network Service Ethics Intranet – Relationship Bonding Personal Branding Quality/Value/Character
The Power Has Shifted Position Status Natural Resources Relationship Process Natural Resources Knowledge Resources
You MUST be committed to being a lifelong learner
Unlearn Shed off old habits To completely remove from one’s memory CURRENT HABITS = CURRENT DESTINY
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place. But, it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in. It’s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.
I walk down another street
Don’t go through life Grow through life
Things are managed and people are led. (Deming)
We need to understand Teachers are Leaders of the new generation
Team work Energetic Ability to Transform Compassion for students Humility Excellence Role model
Teachers form Winning Teams
But our problem isn’t learning but finding out time to learn We procrastinate!
Hawks and Doves
Tips to Learn, Unlearn Relearn Have a firm and flexible mindset set that you are still learning and evolving. Don’t take your learning for granted. The learning that takes place during your life may subject to change. The globe was initially believed to be flat. But the subsequent learning confirmed that the globe is round. Therefore, have a flexible and open mindset towards learning.
TRY TO ASSOCIATE WITH INTELLECTUAL FRIENDS. You can share your knowledge with them. As well as you can learn. Probably, you may have some of the ideas which are unconfirmed. Creating intellectual ambience can lead to confirmed learning. Besides, it creates more knowledge base. When you discuss with them, the hidden potential within you will surface and you may share the same with them. When others challenge your ideas, then also, you tend to think deeper resulting into creativity and innovation.
EXAMINE YOUR BELIEFS If you think you can, you can
share your knowledge, expertise and experience. MENTORING Two way communication share your knowledge, expertise and experience. benefited from the practical experiences and learning of your mentees. Mentoring will help you to communicate effectively. It also helps you to explore and examine your mentees. It is a two way communication where you can share your knowledge, expertise and experience. And also, you can be benefited from the practical experiences and learning of your mentees. Apart from guiding, grooming and gliding your mentees towards their career success, you can get cross checked about your knowledge from their experiences. If there are any variations, the same can be unlearnt and learnt.
BE PASSIONATE be passionate in the process of unlearning, learning and relearning. The passion has to come from the core of your heart.
THE ESSENTIAL QUALITY:COURAGE Commit to Training Your Conscience Commit To The Journey Commit to Reducing Attachments A SINGLE STANDARD OF CONDUCT Commit to Absolute Values Commit To Minimizing Secrecy THE ESSENTIAL QUALITY:COURAGE
Courage to accept your mistakes and relearn Courage to accept your mistakes and relearn. Never Let Your Ego Come in Way of Your Learning
We always remember ONLY THOSE LEADERS Who bring about a positive change in people, society, world
Through Understanding the readiness level of our employees and adopting matching leadership style it is possible to enhance our effectiveness as a role model teacher and leader and improve our overall efficiency towards the process of CHANGE