History of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
History First signs of people on British Isles are pressumed to the Stone Age The Celts settled the area of London probably around 800 BC NO written history before 50 BC
History From 43 A.D. period of Roman invasion To prevent attacks from north Romanians built 2 walls – Hadrian‘s(122) and wall of Antonius(142) Romanians occupated these lands for several hundreds of years but british language and Celtic systém were not completely destroyed
History Christianity spread over England in Kent in 597 after St. Augustin landed here By year 800 England was splited to seven kingdoms Danes and Norwegians attacked E. but King Alfred the Great stopped them for a while(at the beginning of 9th century) Since 1016 Dennmark ruled England
History 1066 – beginning of Norman invasion(William the Conqueror) Henry I. – Charter of Liberties Richard I.,the Lion Heart Oxford university – around 1167 Cambridge university - 1209
History 1215 – Magna Carta Hundred Year‘s War – war over English feudal claim to the French crown Win at Crecy and Agincourt but Joan of Arc changed the situation – England lost their power in France except Calais War of Roses(15th century) – wars over the claim to the throne between the House of york and House of Lancaster
History War of Roses – ended thanks to Battle of Bosworth(king Richard III. was killed and Tudor dynasty started) Establishment of the Church of England during the reign of Henry VIII during the reign of his daughter Elizabeth I. England became a European power
History From 1642 civil war(1649 firstly executed king Charles I.) – England ruled by the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell 1660 monarchy was re-established(without its former aura) 1688 – The Glorious Revolution broke out 1689 – Bill of rights(put the power into hands of the parliament)
History During 17th century England started colonial expansions to the NA and India 1.5. 1707 – political union of the Kingdom of England(including Wales) and the Kingdom of Scotland => The United Kingdom of Great Britain 18th century – Britain power in the world was growing
History Wars – War of the Spanish Succesion(1702-1713) - Seven Years‘ war 1756-1763(gained Canada,Florida…) First prime minister Robert Walpole Loss of 13 colonies in The American war of Independence(1775 – 1783)
History 1800 – Act of Union From 1.1.1801 new state - the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Napoleonic wars – ended in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo(Wellington,lord Nelson) During 19th was growing(control of great deal of Africa,all of Australia,NZ and India)
History During the 20th century Britain was beginning to leave colonies First World War Second World War(Chamberlain,Churchill) Margaret Thatcher – Falkland wars,economic reforms
Places of interest London -Big Ben,Houses of Parliament - Buckingham Palace -Hyde Park -the London Eye -National gallery,British Museum -Wembley
Houses of Parliament,Big Ben
Buckingham palace
London Eye
Places of interest Scottish Highlands – Loch Ness,Ben Nevis Stonehenge Edinburgh – 4500 historic buildings Snowdonia – 3rd largest national park in UK Cambridge Hadrian‘s wall Stratford-upon-Avon(Shakespeare) Lake district – one of the most famous national parks
Loch Ness
Hadrian‘s wall
Lake District