HERNDON HIGH SCHOOL Athletic Training Program You can edit the colors by: clicking on the first slide click on edit and select “select all” Click on Design and on the right side a list of options will apear. Chose an option that is available or click on color schemes if you chose color schemes design your own colors. Edit the Content to meet your Schools names and personel.
Herndon HS Athletic Training Staff ATC 1 Amy Sheedfar, MPA, VATL, ATC ATC 2 Lisa Petruzzi, MEd, VATL, ATC Physicians Commonwealth Orthopaedics Herndon Family Medicine
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Assumption Of Risk Risk of Injury Not all injuries can be prevented Catastrophic injuries can occur in any sport In FCPS, Comprehensive Athletic Training care has proven to influence a reduction in the severity of injury. Injuries are inherent in sports, some may be catastrophic. The FCPS Athletic Training Program is dedicated to providing the safest environment possible. Athletic Trainers minimize the significance of injuries by providing immediate evaluation and treatment, and minimizing the potential for catastrophic injuries to occur, but cannot eliminate the possibility entirely
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Responsibilities Prevention of injuries/ re-injury Recognition, evaluation, and assessment of injuries and conditions resulting Immediate care of injuries Rehabilitation and reconditioning of injuries Organization and administration Professional development and responsibility
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Coverage Athletic Training Room Coverage The Athletic Trainer will be available for evaluations, treatments, rehabilitation, and questions from student athletes, parents, and physicians each school day afternoon. Athletic Contest Coverage All contests indicated below are covered by the home ATC. Football Field Hockey Cross Country Girls Volleyball Cheerleading
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Injuries All injuries & illnesses must be reported to your school’s Athletic Trainers All injuries must be reported prior to return to activity regardless of severity or physician consultation Our philosophy is to return injured athletes to participation in the quickest and SAFEST manner possible using a progressive return to activity
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Injuries Rest Ice – Freezer vs Ice Machine Compression Elevation – Above the Heart Support – Crutches, Cane, Brace, Sling Physician – If you see an MD, Please return the FCPS ATP Physician Response Form (details of diagnosis, rehab or treatment guidelines, and their recommendations of playing status. Should the athlete have an injury and the athletic trainer is not available, or the injury does not seem so bad, but when the athlete gets home it becomes problematic, this is what you should do.
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Return To Play The role of the Athletic Trainer is to make sure your athlete is safe to return to play. A Parent, Coach, Family Physician, Athlete, Administrator, ATC, or Team Physician can exclude an athlete from participation. Although one of the above individuals can exclude an athlete from participation the decision to return to play is a joint decision taking the athlete’s long term health in to consideration. Add information regarding limited participation and progression of return to full participation
MRSA: What Is It? MRSA is a “Staph” infection It does not respond to some antibiotics It is treatable Like other infections, this can be deadly if left untreated Severe infections can be prevented by following proper hygiene and early detection and treatment Staphylococcus Aureus ("staph") infections have been around for many years, causing mild to severe illness. CA-MRSA stands for Community Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, a form of staph infection that does not respond to routine treatment with some commonly-used antibiotics, although other antibiotics are effective. Approximately 25-30% of healthy people may carry staph and only 1% carry CA-MRSA. Staph bacteria are often carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people, most of the time these bacteria do not cause a problem. Staph is passed from person to person through direct contact with skin or through contact with contaminated items. Staph can enter the body through breaks in the skin and can sometimes cause infection. The most effective way to prevent staph infection is to practice proper hygiene, such as washing hands and caring for wounds properly.
MRSA: What Does It Look Like? Mild infections may look like a pimple or boil and can be red, swollen, painful, or have pus or other drainage and are usually mildly infectious and easily treated. More serious infections may cause pneumonia, bloodstream infections, or surgical wound infections.
MRSA: What Are We Doing? FCPS Certified Athletic Trainers provide information to all athletes specific to MRSA during the athlete meetings at the beginning of each season. Included in this session: Prevention strategies for staph and other communicable diseases. Importance of proper personal hygiene and clothes washing. Importance of bringing all questionable lesions to the attention of the certified athletic trainer immediately. Viewing and discussion of a video that specifically outlines concerns about MRSA. The FCPS Athletic Training Program includes the use of a cleansing product for wound care that contains 4% w/v chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) which specifically targets MRSA and provides a continuous action to kill MRSA on contact for 6 hours. The FCPS Athletic Training Program includes information on MRSA to be provided to parents of student athletes who are referred to a physician when staph is suspected.
What Can You Do Help encourage your athlete to shower after each practice and competition. Encourage your athlete to wash practice uniform daily. Incorporate the use of anti-microbial treatments for clothes, equipment and skin (Fabricaide, Sportsaide, and Hibiclens for your family to use at home) Proper use of water bottles and cleaning them daily
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Concussions A concussions is an injury to the brain Concussions can alter a student’s ability to learn Concussions can be life threatening Signs & Symptoms include: Headache, confusion, dizziness, change in personality, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite, loss of memory, and others. Treatment is REST and hydration
What Is ImPACT? Why Are We Using It? Web Based Concussion Management Tool www.impacttest.com Why Are We Using It? It is a tool that can help us identify if the brain has recovered to a point that the athlete is safe to begin to return to sport. It also helps us with the safe progression for full return to sport. Obtain Baseline Results Retest if Injury Occurs Compare Results From Baseline Test to Post Injury Test
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Nutrition Make NUTRITION a priority Proper Hydration is essential There is no quick fix… real food is far better than any pill or supplement Dangers of Nutritional Supplements Proper diet contains 60-70% CHO, 15% PRO, 15% Fat Replace 22 – 24 oz of H2O for every pound loss. NO FCPS employee can supply, endorse or encourage the use of nutritional supplements. One of the best recovery foods following intense exercise is chocolate milk.
Herndon HS Athletic Training Program Steroids Signs and Symptoms: Severe Acne, mood swings, aggression, depression, very fast strength gains, change in physical characteristics , and others. The consequences for being caught using steroids is 2 years disqualification from sports. (Virginia state law) This applies to Virginia Universities as well Show VHSL Video