What is a concussion? A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by an impact to the head Can cause long or short term problems, depending on severity.
How can you get a concussion? Contact sports Car Accidents Falling Object hitting your head Any severe jarring of the head
Symptoms aAltered level of consciousness (drowsy, hard to arouse, or similar changes) Cconfusion, feeling spacey, or not thinking straight Hheadache loss of consciousness feeling like you have "lost time" memory loss (amnesia) of events before the injury or immediately after nausea and vomiting Sseeing flashing lights
If you have a concussion you shouldn’t: Play contact sports Participate in physical education If VERY severe or have multiple concussions in a few months doctor may recommend: No TV No cellphone No computer
Treatment Tylenol (NOT Motrin or Advil) for headahces Eating a light diet Light activity around the house NOT heavy activity Avoid alcohol until completely recovered
Most Dangerous Sports for Concussions Football Ice Hockey Rugby Soccer Martial Arts Boxing
Sports & Concussions Ice Hockey is the most dangerous. A study showed there were 27 in 2 seasons High school: football, soccer, ice hockey, and rugby have the most concussions Professional: ice hockey and rugby have the most.
Discussion Questions Has anyone had a concussion or know someone who had a concussion? How? Do you think there should be a limit on the amount of concussions an athlete can sustain before they can no longer participate in contact sports? Why or why not?