Crosslight Simulation Software 2001 New Features & Updates
Outline (I) New device applications: EA-modulators. Optically-pumped lasers. InGaAsN material system. Waveguide photodetectors. Fiber/external-cavity lasers.
Outline (II) Pushing the limits: Complete dynamic memory allocation. Grading of doping. Electrical and thermal conductivity anisotropies. Pure thermal boundaries.
Outline (III) New material models: Many-body optical gain model. Flexible refractive index change. Saturable absorption in active layer.
Outline (IV) 3D transient simulation: 3D longitudinal mode dynamics. Self-pulsation. LASTIP vs. PICS3D transient models.
Outline (V) Powerful optical mode solvers: Arnoldi direct eigen mode solver. Radiative mode solver using PML.
Outline (VI) Ray-tracing: Ray-tracing for light emitting diodes. Photodetector incident light scattering and re-absorption. Issues of photo-recycling.
Outline (VII) MOS Quantum model: Confined quantum states. Tunneling through thin SiO2.