In The Beginning.... 'First Aider‘ Firefighter/EMT Emergency Department Tech
Sesame Place Nurse The 'cute' and Fun side of nursing. Stickers, Band-Aids and Ice Pops
Emergency Department Nurse Emergency Department and Trauma Admitting Area You see and take care of everything!
Specialty Care Transport Unit Interfacility transports between hospitals 911 ALS response
So What do we Make?? The average RN salary in New Jersey at that time was $77,360 or $37.19 per hour. (May 2013, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics) Increase in pay for certain shifts (nights vs days) Holiday pay Certification pay
Locations 3 Bases MedEvac 3- Pottstown PA MedEvac 4- Woodbine NJ MedEvac 5- Vineland NJ
Flight Crew Pilot Nurse Paramedic Specialty Teams
Pilot Minimum 2,500 hours of flight time Commercial pilot’s license (or Airline Transport Pilot rating) Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) rating
Flight Paramedic 3 – 5 years prehospital experience State certified EMT-P ACLS PHTLS or BTLS PALS or APLS
Flight Nurse Licensed RN 3 – 5 years intensive care unit experience Pennsylvania certified EMT-P or PHRN ACLS PALS or APLS PHTLS or BTLS CEN or CCRN
And don’t forget…behind the scenes… Communications Technician Aircraft Mechanic Medical Command Physician Photos of mechanic at work, comm tech at work.
Types of Flights Interfacility -Going from one hospital to another for specialty services. -Off Site Landing Zones Scene (911) -Landing Zones (LZ)
What do we fly.... Stabbings Shootings (GSW) Heart Attacks (MI) Stroke (CVA) Assaults Sick Children Anything that needs to get from one place to the next quickly!
To Fly or Not To Fly Ceiling -Day- 1000ft -Night- 1500ft Visibility -Day- 3 miles -Night- 5 miles Wind Considerations
Helmets and NVGs NVG= Night Vision Goggles All crew members wear helmets in and around helicopter while its running.
Weight and Balance Weight of crew, equipment and fuel Isolette and additional crew/passengers
Equipment Cardiac monitor Ventilator Medications/IV fluids/pumps Intubation equipment Survival Packs Oxygen
Want to see what we are up to? MidAtlantic MedEvac @MAMedEvac #MidAtlanticMedevac