Early Civilizations in the Americas
Lesson Essential Question What were the differences and similarities between Mesoamerican and South American civilizations?
The First Civilizations Olmec- The first American civilization began in the tropical forest along the Mexican Gulf Coast. Their art influenced later Mesoamerican peoples. Invented a calendar Called the “mother culture”
The Zapotec Their power grew on Monte Alban, Mexico after the decline of the Olmec. They engaged in trade, built large stone temples, developed a writing system, and constructed ball courts.
The Maya Maya society was divided into social classes which each city-state having its own ruling chief. Pacal the Great- the most successful Maya ruler who sponsored a building program that produced some of the finest art and architecture ever found. Developed a hieroglyphic writing system and accurate calendar. When the Spanish arrive no one is there. Historians do not know exactly how they died, maybe a draught, maybe disease, maybe they just left, a combination of many factors or maybe Aliens.
On your map shade and lable it Mayan Empire
The Aztec
The Aztecs War brought immense wealth and tribute from conquered peoples. Had a single ruler or Emperor. Priests performed sacrifices needed to please the gods. Spain found a lot of allies amongst the conquered peoples. Montezuma, the last emperor of Aztecs first welcomed the Spanish as gods. Hernan Cortez saw Montezuma as a savage and cut off his head
Shade in and lable Aztec Empire
Tenochtitlan- Aztec Temple
The Incas
The Incas Influenced by the Chavin. One of the first civilizations in South America. In the 1400’s they came out of the Andes Mountains of Peru and created their empire. Ruled by a god-king and powerful class of priests. A warrior society No written language Had a great road system; even greater than the Roman Empire Huayna Capac-Last emperor of a unified Inca empire. Died of small pox. They had a great civil war that weakened them before the Spanish arrived allowing the Spanish to beat them.
Shade in and label Incan civilization