Disadvantaged Groups Dictionary meaning of Disadvantaged groups is groups which face special problems such as physical or mental disability, lack of money or economic support or are without sufficient power or influence.
The Constitution of India uses the term ‘Weaker Sections’ to refer to these disadvantaged groups. Women Children Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Physically & Mentally handicap Homeless & Slum Dwellers Refugees & Internally Displaced presons
Deprivation of Human Rights to Disadvantaged Groups Unavailability of Resources: Some resources like employment or capital or opportunities may not be available in required quantity to certain groups. E.g. Almost all forms of public transportation are not useful to the “mobility-impaired” people. Inaccessibility of Resources: The resources which are available could still be inaccessible to some groups because of cost, poor design, distance, or they are deliberately made inaccessible to particular groups. Resources, such as education, information, or employment, may be unavailable due to other demands, such as raising a family.
Deprivation of Human Rights to Disadvantaged Groups Low Social status: Government Practices: Many government programs are there for the help and protection of certain groups, but they have proved to be inadequate or counterproductive or under-funded. Legislation provides for protection of these groups. But these laws are not enforced properly or the implementation efforts are insufficient. Procedures are so much bureaucratic that it limits their value.
Deprivation of Human Rights to Disadvantaged Groups Corporate Practices: Not only government but the private organizations also exploit the poor labour class. They are generally undervalued, exploited, harassed and treated with inequality. Conditions of Groups: Some features of the disadvantaged group itself make it hard to access needed support. For them using that tools offered by the larger society would contradict their own values or culture. Individuals who are disadvantaged by a particular situation may not be organized as a group. But organization of a group is required for appealing for support or for Redressal of grievances
Deprivation of Rights of Women In pre-independence period, practices like Sati, Purdah and Devadasi were responsible for exploitation of women to a great extent. In the post independence period, constitution declared a number of provisions to protect their rights. To achieve the objectives of the constitution, the Government enacted a number of laws and amended some of the existing civil, criminal and family laws. They are: The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act of 1956 Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986 Commission of Sati (prevention) Act 1987 National Commission of Women Act 1990 Prenatal Diagnostic Technique ( Regulation and Prevention of Misuse ) Act, 1994 Protection of Women from Domestic Violation Act 2005
Deprivation of Rights of Women Violence: Dowry harassment and bride burning: According to survey, around 5000 women die each year due to dowry demands. Rape Domestic Violence Violation of right to life Thousands of unwanted female children are killed at the stage of foetus itself, known as female infanticide. Mortality rate of females is higher than the males. Reasons are many like malnutrition, early marriages, early child bearing, domestic violence, less health and nutritional care etc. India has highest number of maternal deaths.
Deprivation of Rights of Women Economic Exploitation They are given much work but are paid less wages or salary especially in the unorganized sector. Deprivation of Political Rights Their representation in higher political institutions as Parliament and provincial Legislation is very less. This obstructs their participation in the government initiatives and policies regarding women’s welfare and development. There is male domination in Indian politics. Deprivation of Right to Education Almost half of the women population has never been to school. At least 60 million girls lack access to primary education in India.
Deprivation of Rights of Women Deprivation of Right to property Although, women have been given rights to inheritance, but sons have an independent share in the ancestral property, while the daughter’s shares is based on the share received by the father. Deprivation of Right to protection of health Malnutrition is the major cause of health problems in females. According to Human Development Report, 21% of girls in low income families suffer from severe malnutrition as compared with 3 % of boys in the same family. Even people spend less amount of money on medication for girls than for boys.
Deprivation of Rights of Women Deprivation of Right to equal opportunity for employment and Right to equal wages for equal work Average wage of women on an average is 30 – 50 % less than that of men. Female employment is declining at a very fast rate. The reasons are: Firstly, as per labour laws some extra facilities have to be given to the female workers or employees. Secondly, adoption of new technologies in some sectors requires new skill, knowledge and training, opportunity for which is not provided to most of the females in India. Deprivation of Right to Live with Dignity Use of abusive language, eve teasing and rape are such acts that violate a woman’s self respect.
Deprivation of Rights of Women Child Marriages: The after effects of child marriage are: widowhood, inadequate socialisation, education deprivation, lack of economic independence, low health/nutritional levels because of early motherhood. A study conducted by Family Planning Foundation showed that the mortality rates were higher among babies born to women under 18. Another study showed that around 56% girls from poor families are married underage and became mothers.