Film storyboard project Intercultural Studies / LSS-2113 Instructor name: Done by: Khoula Alketbi / H00253009 BUS 23
Transportation Indian taxi drivers was fight when they see the American man all of them want to give him a ride. Moreover, in the train they don’t have tickets every body can riding and they sitting on top of them and some of them was stand at the door of the train. So India are high context culture they don’t explicit of aspects culture behavior because most of them know how to deal with each other from years of interaction, also, Indian people’s emotions taken into account in decision making. (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015) American man was so surprised because this is the first time he want to India and he saw that the Indian people make noise and all of them want him. American culture are low context because they have large USA airport and more knowledge is codified, public, external, and accessible which mean they always follow the rule and regulation. (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015)
Marriage and personal information The Indian women is asking Mr. Todd personal question. For example, she ask Mr. Todd about her family and married. In this situation, American society is consider as low context culture because they are formal and always prefer to speak in general information. They have a lot of confidential information and don’t to let everyone know it they are polite people admired. In addition, American people are don’t married early because that the Indian women was surprised. (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015) Indian society are high context culture they like to speak about specific information even if this is the first time they meet the person they are outgoing and informal. In addition, in India culture people should married early. (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015)
Language American's are considers as high context culture they speaks native English and its different than India people because Words are not so important as context in America, which might include the speaker’s tone of voice, facial expression, gestures, posture—and even the person’s family history and status. (Wilson) For example, When Ayesha was says that his English Pronunciation is different than them. Moreover, Amracan people don’t use direct eye contact and they concerned about losing face because that they don't laugh at you when you make or commit a mistake. (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015) The Indian people’s considers as low context culture they emphasis on words and text they focus more on Pronunciation and communicate directly. For example, when Ayesha says to the Todd that he says internet different than them. In addition she think that their Pronunciation is butter than him. (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015)
Uncertainty avoidance Indian scores on the Uncertainty Avoidance dimension low which is 40. In India they have Holi celebrations every year in march and sometimes in February . In this day Mr. Todd leave home without reading the paper that the Indian man put it in the door. When he went outside he saw color in the road. Then Indian people start play with color and sing together. (Hofstede center,2015) The USA scores on the Uncertainty Avoidance dimension low which is 46. Mr. Todd was so surprised because this is the first time he see thing like that and he didn’t understand why they do this. After that Todd change his behavior and he start play with them. So Mrs. Todd is coming from culture with low level of UAI that mean there are more comfortable and they can change their behavior. The USA people have fair degree of willingness to try something new or different. In addition, they Accept of changes and risk (new ideas) . )Hofstede center,2015)
Individualism The Indian man (Broo) was ask Todd how many time did you see your parents. Todd said he see his parents few times a year. This part of film explain the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. Because of high score of individualism by 91 USA people can live without their parents because when the child become big he should go away from home and be independence in them self. Moreover, they high valuation on people’s time and their need for freedom . (Hofstede center,2015) The Indian man surprised and said there is something he didn’t understand it about American life which is live without their parents because Indian society are care about themselves and their family they cant live without their family they work to help their family and give them money. So they have low score of individualism by 48. (Hofstede center,2015)
APA REFRENCE Bibliography (Hofstede central,2015). Outsourced India FULL HD . (n.d.). Retrieved Oct 2, 2015, from Wilson. (n.d.). (Trinder, Intercultural Studies, 8 September 2015)