Aisha saif al falasi hoo248133 Storyboard Project Aisha saif al falasi hoo248133
Scene 1: The Train The cultural difference in this scene showed the difference between India and America in the transportation system. In America if you want to ride the train, you must book a ticket and you will have your own seat. But in India, anyone can ride the train even if there is no seats available. America is low context culture because it conflict encouraged “productive”. India is high context culture (Pearson Custom).
Scene 2: Arranged Marriage This scene showed the differences of marriage in India and America. In India you often will see the arranged marriages because the families know and love each other and this is enough reason to make their children marry. In America they are free to choose the person who want to marry. India is highly Power Distance because they accept to do what their parents want. But America is low Power Distance everyone can do what he or she want. India is high context culture because things get done depends on relationships with people, but America is low context culture because things get done by following procedures (
Scene 3: Eating Habits This scene appeared the differences of eating habits in India and America. The movie showed the American man ate with his left hand and this is unusual in India, they eat with their right hand because left hand consider to be unclean. But in America they eat with both hands. India is a long term orientation because they links with its own past, but America is low term orientation, they have their own ways of eating (Geert Hofstede).
Scene 4: Opinions “ what people think” This scene showed the differences of opinions between people in India and America. Indians always cares about what others will think and they have to be careful about what they do in public places. Indians are collectivism because they belong to each other. But the American’s are Individualism because they do not even live with their parents. India is high context cultures because they are relational and collectivist, and these cultures emphasize interpersonal relationships. But America is low context cultures because they are logical and individualistic (Geert Hofstede).
Scene 5: Beliefs The movie appeared some scenes that show different beliefs in India and America, such as: in India they believe in many gods, but the American's believe in one god. Also each country has its own celebrations such as the celebration of colors in India, it’s called Holi. India is a long term orientation because they links with its own past, but America is low term orientation. India is high context culture because they are culturally oriented and they depends on their past. But America is low context culture because individual oriented (Pearson Custom).
References Context Cultures. (n.d.). Retrieved from High- versus Low-Context Cultures. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pearson Custom: High-context and Low-context Culture Styles. (n.d.). Retrieved from College of Marin: National Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved from Geert Hofstede: Outsourced India (n.d.). [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from