By the end of the lesson, you will be able to… 5th Grade Module 5 Lesson 20 K. Clauson By the end of the lesson, you will be able to… Objective: Lessons 20: Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.
Divide by Multiples of 10 and 100
Find the Volume Volume = length x width x height Visualize a line that breaks the figure into two rectangular prisms. Find the volume of the composite figure by adding the volumes of each rectangular prism.
Find the Volume Volume = length x width x height Visualize a line that breaks the figure into three rectangular prisms. Find the volume of the composite figure by adding the volumes of each rectangular prism.
Application Problem Nita buys a rug that is 10 3/4 feet x 12 1/2 feet. What is the area of the rug? Show your thinking with an area model and a multiplication sentence.
Teacher notes Concept Development Teacher and Students will need: Personal white boards Figure name cards Shapes sheet for sorting Template - quadrilateral hierarchy Ruler Protractor Set square (or right angle template) Teacher note: have open the Module 5 Vocabulary Powerpoint also for review with this lesson!
Concept Development Part 1 True or False Trapezoids are always quadrilaterals. Turn and talk- justify your answer using properties of the shape. TRUE
FALSE Part 1 True or False Concept Development Part 1 True or False Quadrilaterals are always trapezoids. Turn and talk- justify your answer using properties of the shape. FALSE
Vocabulary Cards Write this sentence BIG on your white board… Cut apart your vocabulary cards As I show the definition on the board, you write down the shape’s properties on the back of your card. Write this sentence BIG on your white board… ________ are always ________ Turn your cards face down on your desk. Choose two cards and place them on the blank lines in your sentence. Work together to decide whether that statement is true or false. Use their properties to justify your answer. Then, switch the cards in the frame and repeat the sequence. Put the cards back on the table facedown.
Part 2 What does this look like? How could I use my tools to confirm that this is a trapezoid? What properties would I need to confirm in order to classify this shape as a trapezoid? Let’s look at our quadrilateral hierarchy sheet! Could I place my figure inside the trapezoid? Why or why not? Could I place it inside the parallelogram? Why or why not? Trapezoid
Part 2 Shape sheet and hierarchy diagram Work with your partner to classify the shapes on your sheet. Use this sentence frame: Because a ________ is a ________ it must have ________. Example: Because a rhombus is a trapezoid it must have at least one set of parallel sides.
Problem Set Put three stars on the top of the problem set page! This page is important to study for your End of Module test!
Get Ready to Finish the Problem Set on Your Own! You will have 10 minutes to complete the Problem Set. Do your best to complete as much as you can in the time allotted. We will go over all parts of the problem set afterwards. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fast finishers: Math Center Activities- choice boards, extra Sprint challenge CML packets/ worksheets Problem Solving pages 5th Grade Module 5– Lesson 20 K. Clauson
LET’S Debrief Take 2 minutes to check your answers with your partner. Let’s share any insights you had while solving these problems. When??? 5th Grade Module 5- Lesson 20 K. Clauson
EXIT TICKET LESSON 20 5th Grade Module 5– Lesson 20 K. Clauson