Christine Martinez, MD COS 40th Annual Meeting August 19, 2016 A Buzzworthy Case Christine Martinez, MD COS 40th Annual Meeting August 19, 2016
CC & HPI 10 yo M presents w/ pain and blurry vision in his R eye for 1 day ROS (+) Redness, photophobia No known PMH or POH Presents to the Eye Clinic at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya
Exam VA sc – 20/60 OD, 20/20 OS Pupils equal and reactive OU, no RAPD No pressures obtained On exam, his vision was down in the right eye, no APD, no pressures were obtained
Slit lamp exam External – WNL OU L&L – Mild lid edema OD C&S – 4+ conjunctival injection w/ prominent limbal injection OD K – Retained stinger superonasally with surrounding infiltrate and corneal edema OD A/C – hypopyon, 4+ cell OD Iris – round and reactive OU Lens – clear OU DFE – Normal Any further questions? Differential Diagnosis?
Slit lamp exam External – WNL OU L&L – Mild lid edema OD C&S – 4+ conjunctival injection w/ prominent limbal injection OD K – Retained stinger superonasally with surrounding infiltrate and corneal edema OD A/C – hypopyon, 4+ cell OD Iris – round and reactive OU Lens – clear OU DFE – Normal Any further questions? Differential Diagnosis? If the stinger wasn’t immediately obvious, what else would you think about on a differential?
Corneal Bee Sting Patient stung in the eye by a bee 1 day prior to presentation retained stinger Intense A/C reaction due to injected venom Venom injected into the A/C likely the cause of the intense A/C reaction
Management and Follow-Up Attempted stinger removal w/ jeweler’s forceps unsuccessful Prescribed steroids, cipro, atropine F/U 3 days later never got the drops Surprisingly, without treatment, eye much quieter Returned to clinic 3 days later, likely unable to afford the drops
Stinger gone (no idea where or how Stinger gone (no idea where or how!), hypopyon resolved, persistent corneal infiltrate
Here is a closer view. We again prescribed steroids and antibiotics, but the patient never followed-up again.
Buzzworthy Approximately 40 cases of corneal bee sting reported in the literature No previously described self-resolving cases Unclear why stinger gone on follow-up Hypopyon likely sterile and due to toxic/immunologic mechanism Natural history of corneal bee sting? We supposed that the stinger dislodged itself
Thank you!