Using data and evidence to improve performance
Why do we use data/research/resources in school? Using data to raise achievement – Lambeth 2016 Effective use of data/resources can promote better teaching and learning through: More effective allocation of staff and resources Performance management Monitoring the effectiveness of initiatives and strategies Evidence-based discussions with Ofsted, Governors etc… Challenging expectations of staff, pupils and parents etc… Transitions and transfers – particularly between key stages and schools Identification of pupils’ achievements and setting targets
What are the benefits of using data/research for the following groups? SLT including middle leaders Teachers Pupils
Staff-pupil relationships At a strategic level, how do we create an ethos of continuous learning, enquiry and improvement? 10 4 Feedback Ability grouping 8 5 ICT Staff-pupil relationships 12 3 Pupil choice Challenging tasks 9 Class size Self-belief of pupils 1= 11 Pedagogy High expectations Parental involvement 7 Creative curriculum 6 6
The government attaches a great deal of importance in the use of data to raise standards. High quality data is key to monitoring performance and in Ofsted inspections of schools . It also allows leaders and governors to ask important benchmarking questions as a means of identifying areas for improvement: What does the attainment data tell me about the performance of the school compared to local and national averages? Do we have any underperforming groups? 2. What does the value-added tell me about progress? 3. What are the overall strengths and areas for development? 4. What can be done to improve? Remember data will always give you questions to answer rather than the answer themselves!
The continued effective use of school data by leaders at all levels can promote effective self-evaluation and high standards of teaching and learning in schools by: Identifying pupils’ achievement and informing target setting Supporting the allocation of staffing and resources Challenging the aspirations of staff, pupils and parents Supporting school self-evaluation Tracking pupils’ performance ad progress Identifying underachieving groups Narrowing the achievement gaps Celebrating good news!
It will also contribute to a school’s capacity to improve and ask questions such as:
Using Data The focus of attention on rigorous recording, analysis and effective use of school data to inform pupil and school progress has never been greater, and is a topic that needs to be foremost in the minds of all teachers and school leaders. Ofsted is taking an increasingly forensic approach to its examination of progress figures – in particular the relative progress of individual groups of children such as those who have special educational needs or are eligible for free school meals.
Accountability Schools are able to link teachers’ pay to performance allowing them to pay good teachers more. This includes a teacher’s: impact on pupil progress impact on wider outcomes for pupils contribution to improvements in other areas (eg pupils’ behaviour or lesson planning) professional and career development wider contribution to the work of the school, for instance their involvement in school business outside the classroom
Phonics Progress 8 EYFS-KS1 Attainment 8 % English/Maths EBacc KS1-KS2 Whole School Data What is measured? Phonics Progress 8 EYFS-KS1 Attainment 8 % English/Maths EBacc KS1-KS2 Floor Standards And…
RAISE Online What does this tell you about the school?
RAISE Online Which subjects have shown best performance? Which subjects have Performed less well?
Primary/Secondary Split