Overview of the NMTEACH Summative Report How can you use NMTEACH data to review and inform your classroom practice?
Introductions Matt Pahl, Policy Director, PED Jamie Gonzales, Policy Analyst, PED
Teacher and Family Engagement Teacher Liaison Contact Information Do you have questions specific to your own data? Email our Teacher Liaison at: teacher.liaison@state.nm.us Want to know more about teacher specific initiatives in New Mexico? Visit the NMPED Outreach page: www.ped.state.nm.us Teacher and Family Engagement Go to the Outreach Table to sign up and get more information.
Resources Outreach Division http://ped.state.nm.us/ped/Outreach_index.html TeachReach Blog Teacher Roster: Shows the students that were reported in STARS and used as part of your summative report.
Outreach Table Available today! You can sign up for the TeachReach Blog You can pick up some informative handouts
Session Objectives AWABT understand and discuss all parts of the Educator Effectiveness Summative Teacher’s Report AWBAT identify areas of success and areas in need of improvement through analysis of the Educator Effectiveness Summative Teacher’s Report AWBAT determine next steps to improve
Looking for a deeper dive? NMTEACH Student Achievement Session NMTEACH Attendance & Student Surveys NMTEACH Domain 1: The Keys to High Quality Assignments NMTEACH Domain 2: Classroom Environment NMTEACH Domain 3: Engagement
Presentation Layout and Norms We will breakdown each section of the Teacher’s Report and discuss how a teacher can use this information to grow as an educator. There will be an activity after the material is introduced. Norms Be respectful Be open-minded Be present
This is the first page that you see. What does all of this tell you?
NMTEACH: Data included in a teachers summative report Student Achievement Growth Classroom Observations (Domains 2 and 3) Summative Report Student/Parent Survey Domains 1 and 4 Teacher Attendance
Got Data? Simplified Approach SBA Science 4-7-11 End of Course Assessments K, 1 and 2 Istation PARCC ELA 3-11 PARCC Math 3-11 2016-2017 NMTEACH summative reports will have the most recent school years’ student achievement data: 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
Value Added Models The New Mexico Value-Added Model (VAM) for Educator Effectiveness produces a measure of teacher effectiveness that reflects the teacher’s unique contribution to student achievement.
Quick Example Suppose that you have three reading interventions and you want to know which is most effective in boosting student reading skills. A. Business as Usual (BAU) B. Reading Recovery (RR) C. Close Reading (CR)
Post Test Results What does this tell you? Average post results
Post Test Results – Given Pre-test What does this tell you?
Academic Peer Group Example This is Joseph. He scored a 710 on PARCC ELA in 2015 AND a 712 on PARCC ELA in 2016. 2013 The Academic Peer Group In peer group with students with the same scores
Academic Peer Group Example All students who scored a 710 on PARCC in 2015 2013 All students who scored a 710 on PARCC in 2015 and a 712 on PARCC in 2016 The Academic Peer Group In peer group with students with the same scores His peer group is the yellow circle Joseph’s 2017 performance is compared to the performance of his academic peer group. – All students who scored 710 in 2015 and 712 in 2016
Value Added Score Example Positive VAS PARCC 2015, 2016 PARCC 2017 Predicted Growth Negative VAS Ashley
Which of the following students is not in Joseph’s peer group? Academic Peer Groups Elizabeth not in Academic Peer Group Every grade level has approx. 20,000 Academic peer groups vary from year to year Ashley 710 on PARCC in 2015 and 712 on PARCC in 2016 Elizabeth 807 on PARCC in 2015 and 811 Michael Stan
NMTEACH: Prior Achievement Required A teacher’s Value-Added Score will be based on only those students with a complete data history that are rostered to a course linked with that teacher. To be included in the Value-Added Model, students must have data associated with them in all fields: two years of math and reading proportion of time with the teacher, grade level, and intervention status of the course If a student is missing one or more of these data points, they will not be included in the model. The only exceptions to these requirements are for early elementary grades (K-4) where students may not have two years of prior data.
This year the PED has modified the NMTEACH system This year the PED has modified the NMTEACH system. This change will impact the evaluations teachers receive during the upcoming school year. Student achievement growth is worth 35% Observations (Domains 2 and 3) are worth 40% Multiple measures are worth 25% Multiple measures include: professionalism, preparation, teacher attendance, and parent/student surveys Student achievement in NMTEACH is measured only by growth, never absolute proficiency. Report Categories
Steps 40% Steps – because you are stepping in to the student achievement element Step 1 does not necessarily mean new – Step 1 is a teacher that does not student achievement data
Key Changes Adjusted the weights of measures in the Educator Effectiveness Report (NMTEACH) Teachers are provided six (6) grace days before absences are calculated into the summative rating. Added a mandatory walkthrough within the first 45 days to better support teachers Teachers may submit a local superintendent’s determination of successful evaluation in support of an application for advancement. This determination must consider the NMTEACH evaluation score, including at least half of the points in the student achievement measure.
Summative Teacher Reports Will be released in Fall 2017 Will include a value-added score associated with an individual teacher from DIBELS/Istation, SBA, PARCC, AND EoCs Will include the student achievement growth data from the following school years: SY2014-2015 SY2015-2016 SY2016-2017
Let’s break this down!
Navigating the Detailed Report There are links throughout the report that will guide you to more information. Opening this link in a new window will save you having to navigate back to the report you are analyzing.
This compares them to similar teachers in content and grade level. DISTRICT
QUESTION TO CONSIDER Has my administrator gone over my report with me?
Page 2 Page 2 - This is a continuum of effectiveness. Shows # of students, subjects, and value-added scores Shows you up to three years of data (three most recent years) Point out the links Side note: The year with the greater number of students is weighted more.
Value Added Score Example Positive VAS PARCC 2015, 2016 PARCC 2017 Predicted Growth Negative VAS Ashley
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER If I have multiple years of data am I showing growth year over year? If I am teaching multiple subjects are my student performing better in one subject than another?
Teacher Roster HELPFUL TOOL Link was sent to all teachers using emails in Oasys and gives teachers the opportunity to access their roster for the 2016-2017 school year. (email: system@nmped.communityos.org) If you didn’t receive this… Check your junk mail Send an email to teacher.evaluation@state.nm.us using your email in Oasys Rosters will be sent out again in the fall around the time that summative report Webinar posted on the NMTEACH website
Page 3 Quadrant 2 – Higher Achieving Students Growing Better than Expected Quadrant 1 – Lower Achieving Students Growing Better Than Expected Quadrant 4 – Higher Achieving Students Growing Less than Expected Quadrant 3 – Lower Achieving Students Growing Less than Expected Question: Where would you want your students to score? Data from SY15 and SY17
Understanding the Scatterplot State Average Prior Performance For Grade Level and Subject Area Average Growth in Grade Level and Subject Area
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Looking at the graph, are there groups of students I am serving better than others? How can I change my practice to meet the needs of each different group of students? Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Page 4 NMTEACH Domains Questions are to guide your thinking when you review your report with your administrator
Areas for Improvement Page 4 LINK TO RUBRICS DOMAIN ELEMENT Shows the score for each element within each domain Response Count = how many observations were recorded and reported Side note: An average score will be provided in the fall (bar graphs round up) LINK TO RUBRICS
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Are there any domains that you are struggling with? How might you improve your performance in this domain? Are there domains where you are a top performer? How might you share your best practices with your colleagues?
Ms. Prince is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, and she has missed 5 days. Attendance Page Page 5 Ms. Prince is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, and she has missed 5 days.
If less than 10 students or parents completed the survey, then the teacher will no have survey data. (N size too small) Copy available today Side note: 6.5 will lose points
Domain Element Alignment Page 6 New feature!
QUESTION TO CONSIDER Do your survey results align with your classroom observation results on page 4? What do your results say about your perceived ability to maximize your students’ opportunity to learn?
Activity Part I Your turn to analyze There are two Summative Teacher Reports – Cindy Crawford and John Wayne Please find a partner who has the same teacher Together you will discuss the activity questions…
Activity Questions What are this particular teacher’s strengths? How do you know? What are areas of improvement? What could this teacher do to improve?
Activity Part II Please find a new partner – one who has a different Teacher Report Discuss your thoughts: What are this particular teachers strengths? How do you know? What are areas of improvement? What could this teacher do to improve?
Whole Group Share What are this particular teachers strengths? How do you know? What are areas of improvement? What could this teacher do to improve?