Internship Reflections Maria Z. Perez Internship II
During my internship experience I gained valuable insight regarding the day to day activities a principal endures. Quickly it became evident that an effective principal must adhere to the all nine principal competencies to ensure the success of their campus. Through this experience I was given a first hand view of how competencies are addressed in the daily activities that a principal must accomplish. In the following slides I have included my reflection of how I fulfilled each competency during this internship experience.
Competency 001 Super Star Academy Tutorials Student Retentions The principal knows how to shape campus culture by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. Super Star Academy Tutorials Our school mission includes is “learning, fun and fulfillment for all” for this reason when I worked on tutorial plans and met with teachers regarding tutorials we made sure that we were providing all learners with opportunities to be successful. Student Retentions By collaborating with the first grade team in making decision and plans of action to provide multiple opportunities for students to fulfill the campus vision of fostering a love of learning in students and creating life long learners. Star 100 Club The Start 100 Club rewards students who follow the campus hallway procedures and thus support the campus vision of providing a safe learning environment for all students.
Competency 002: The principal knows how to communicate and collaborate with all members of the school community, respond to diverse interests and needs, and mobilize resources to promote student success. Super Star Academy When planning tutorial sessions for students I looked at their grades to see where their shortcomings were and then I worked with the first and third grade team to collaboratively come up with activities and lessons to use in each tutorials session. Student Retentions When making decisions regarding student retentions it was vital for the first grade team, the RtI team and I to work together to ensure we are making the best decision for each student on the list. Star 100 Club For the Star 100 club all teachers were assigned to give out Star 100 tickets to students who exhibited proper hallway procedures. By doing this we collaborated and mobilized resources to promote student success. Star Power Hour- Differentiated Instruction While making groups for Star Power Hour we responded to the diverse needs and interests of the students in each group. I also recruited a Kinder teacher and a PE teacher who were on conference during Star Power Hour time to volunteer and take in a group. By doing this I mobilized resources to promote student success.
Competency 003: The principal knows how to act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical and legal manner. Star Academy Tutorials One of the main ways that my work on the tutorials project falls under this competency is because through tutorials I served as an advocate for all children, mainly those who were not being successful. Student Retentions For this project I dealt with a great amount of personnel student records such as student grades, special education modifications, and student discipline records. Through my encounter with these types of files I learned the importance of acting in a legal and ethical manner. Star 100 Club For the Star 100 Club teachers had to pass out tickets to students who were following STEPS procedures in the hallways. Fairness was key to the success of this project. I constantly reminded teachers to choose students who were truly following directions, not just students whom they had a personal attachment too. Star Power Hour- Differentiated Instruction By providing students with individualized instruction I was ensuring that all students received a fair chance of feeling successful and also served as their advocate.
Competency 004: The principal knows how to facilitate the design and implementation of curricula and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, resources, and assessment; and promote the use of varied assessments to measure student performance. Super Star Tutorials While preparing for tutorials I collaborated with the teachers who were teaching tutorials and stressed the importance of strategically planning what we would teach during tutorials. Our goal was to teach the concepts the students needed to master in a fun and exciting way. We also decided to use various assessment tools such as pre and post tests to determine success and plan for future tutorials sessions. Student Retentions After I compiled the list of students at risk of retention I met with all first grade teachers one on one and together we came up with a plan of action for each students that included tutorials, parent involvement, RtI and in class support. Star Power Hour- Differentiated Instruction One of the main goals of differentiated instruction is to provide instruction at the level each student needs. In order to do this accurately the first grade teachers and I had to ensure alignment of curriculum, account for resources and provide continuous assessment.We accomplished this by using various assessments such as observations, formals assessments as well as projects.
Competency 005: The principal knows how to advocate, nurture, and sustain an instructional program and a campus culture that are conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Super Star Academy Tutorials While preparing for tutorials I used a variety of resources to find new researched based practices to teach concepts in a way student had not been exposed to before. I also encouraged teachers to work outside of their comfort zone. Student Retentions One of the purpose of identifying students who were at risk of failing earlier in the school year was to ensure that we continuously nurtured and advocated an instructional program conductive of student learning that would encourage them to continue learning and striving towards success. Star 100 Club By encouraging and rewarding students to follow hallway safety procedures other teachers and I ensured that would continued to have a campus culture conductive of student learning. Star Power Hour- Differentiated Instruction By providing differentiated instruction we ensured that al students were receiving instruction that was conductive of student success. By collaborating with other teachers and attending professional development sessions on guided reading we continued our professional growth.
Competency 006: The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management. Super Star Academy Tutorials: While preparing to offer tutorials I had to consider proper staffing to ensure that the tutorials groups did not get too large. I also did several observations to ensure that students were receiving highly qualified education during tutorials sessions. Student Retentions The number of student retentions plays a key role in deciding how many first grade positions will be needed next year. By having this list ready the principal get an early glance at next year’s staffing needs. Star 100 Club Star 100 Club was a direct outcome of last year’s needs assessment where teachers presented a concern regarding a decline in student conduct the last nine weeks of school.
Competency 007: The principal knows how to apply organizational, decision-making, and problem solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment. While working with all of the projects I lead during internship I was faced with many situations in which I had to make decisions and use problem solving skills to ensure my main goal was attained. One of the most valuable things I learned through this experience was the need to identify and collaborate with staff members who are knowledgeable in different aspects of education and take the opportunity to learn from them while making those critical day to day decisions.
Competency 008: The principal knows how to apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to campus budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management, and technology use. All of the projects that I led during internship required me to work with the campus budget to allocate money to pay for teachers teaching tutorials, snacks, prizes and materials teachers need for tutorials and differentiated instruction sessions. While doing this I ensured that I was using the resources we already had and only buying things that were really necessary.
Competency 009: The principal knows how to apply principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support systems to ensure a safe and effective learning environment. Super Star Academy Tutorials One of the things I had to do to prepare for the Super Star Academy tutorials was prepare facility use requests to ensure that the air conditioner would be on the Saturdays that teachers would be doing tutorials. Star 100 Club The Star 100 Club promotes following proper hallway procedures, therefore by implementing it I am ensuring the safety of student and personnel.